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How far are you in PMD?

I just defeated Kyogre. I evolved all my pokemon. Its starting to get boring so I might start over. Isnt there a thread on this though?


I'm in northwind field but I got the game a week late and got grounded for a week. Now I'm grounded for a month. xD. I keep playing up to near midnight.
i have gotten up to meteor cave :D


Team In Flames
Completed all the story's branches. Now I'm going freelance.


Drifblim landing!
Currently up to Western Cave and Silver Trench. I've done the Murky Cave side quests and beat Buried Relic.


Arc Arsenal
I have one more Dungeon left, I think.. Wish Cave. That is one tough momma of a dungeon. I just recently defeated Mewtwo. My Sceptile is almost to lv. 100.


Drifblim landing!
Currently recruiting the puppies from the fields. Attempted to recruit Entei.
I came out with a Charmeleon and a Combusken tagging along! W00t for Friend Bow! And yay for starters!


fredfredburger yes!
some thing for me i got grounded from Ds and gameboy Sp! i don't know how long but i think i am at Lugia and also i still have to beat northwind field. i want my Ds and gameboy Sp back! hopefully my Dad didn't throw them away then i would be so mad and crying....


Drifblim landing!
some thing for me i got grounded from Ds and gameboy Sp! i don't know how long but i think i am at Lugia and also i still have to beat northwind field. i want my Ds and gameboy Sp back! hopefully my Dad didn't throw them away then i would be so mad and crying....

Call them to court for psychological assault :)


I'm on Silver Trench (Haven't gone there yet) and I haven't recriuted Ho-oh yet. I'm kind of on a little tangent right now collecting gummis to make my favourite pokemon MAX IQ, and also to get Lucario Rank. :3

Pok'emon Master

Pokemon Master


Rescue Team OMEGA

We do your rescues anywhere so give us a PM!!!

Lucario Rank:40,600

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weavile/perap eater

Well-Known Member
i just got back from basketball tryouts anyway i beat blue got all pokemon and beat all dungeons. in red im on the 90 floor of wish cave and recruited celebi