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How far?


Better then you
I was just doing Purity Forest and died. So I was wondering how far everyone else has gotten in there. I got to the 67th floor and died from a Kecleon. For some reason it started to follow me when it got hit from my Pass Scarf. So when that happened I thought it was my team mate. Oh how wrong I was, after that happened I decided to go back to the shop and take a Max Elixer. It accused me of being a thief and came after me. I almost got to the stairs until I got hit with a Psybeam. I guess I just wasn't ready to go there.

News Lucario

GlItH hUnTeR Seth
Gone though entire dungon over 3 times...


PokeMon Professor
How did you manage that? I've never made it to 40F!!! I can't get through!


Drifblim landing!
If he has the english version, which means he only had it for less than a month, there's a small chance that he would've beat the place so damn easily in so little time. I've heard of several people with the Japanese version that still didn't beat that dungeon

WRONG! HE CAN'T HAVE THE ENGLISH VERSION! AMERICAN MAYBE BUT NOT ENGLISH! English version is released on 10.11.06. To Americans that's 11th of October (7 days ago) and that'd be the UK release however that's English and to English (Like myself) it's the 10th of November! We haven't got it yet! (Unless like I you shiped it over). So if he's in the UK he can't have the ENG version only the USA version. Silly point but I wanted to say that :)

Gone though entire dungon over 3 times...


1) Name your team, levels and attacks
2) Your items
3) Who'd you recruit in there?

NOBODY AND I MEAN NOBODY ELSE ANSWER THESE OR COMMENT ON THESE QUESTIONS! THESE ARE QUESTIONS TOWARDS NEWS LUCARIO AND IF HE ANSWERS THEM (with pretty acceptable answers) HE'S MOST LIKELY TELLING THE TRUTH. If you want to know if he's lying just watch and read his answers. IF he's lying there's a good chance he'll get these wrong because of the specificness and practically telling him the things about these questions will ruin it.

I know it's over dramatic (I'm good at that lol) but exposing a lying cheating fraud or just a lying fraud is very noble (Well if by noble I mean fun :)).

Anyways nobody tell Newslucario the points to these questions and let's see if he's telling the truth :) *Why don't we have a devil smily?*
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Better then you
Yesterday I tryed to beat Purity Forest again. I got to the 82nd floor and died from a stupid Parasect. I got so mad I nearly busted my DS. Good thing I had a pillow nearby. Oh, btw I was holding a Pass Scarf with a full supply of Apples and Big Apples that I found. I also had four Frustrations for my moves.


Paladin Of Pikachus
I made it to lv18 on the 62nd floor as a charizard, but I ran out of PP and had no more max elixers, so I died >.>''

mental note to self: only use moves on skarmory's and monster houses early in the dungeon.


Drifblim landing!
I made it to lv18 on the 62nd floor as a charizard, but I ran out of PP and had no more max elixers, so I died >.>''

mental note to self: only use moves on skarmory's and monster houses early in the dungeon.

Just to add here's another note: BEFRIEND A SKARMORY! Grab a Friend Bow, get Lucario Rank and cross your fingers. They come at Lv10 and sure they aren't that high a level but from what you've said I'm guessing you've already gathered they're tough.
WRONG! HE CAN'T HAVE THE ENGLISH VERSION! AMERICAN MAYBE BUT NOT ENGLISH! English version is released on 10.11.06. To Americans that's 11th of October (7 days ago) and that'd be the UK release however that's English and to English (Like myself) it's the 10th of November! We haven't got it yet! (Unless like I you shiped it over). So if he's in the UK he can't have the ENG version only the USA version. Silly point but I wanted to say that :)
You know what I was trying to say, stupid >_>;;

flareon tamer

Shiny hunter
Died in there more then 19 times at the 14th or 16th floor. This is getting sad. I need to recruit A Charmander and get it to evole into a Charzard so I can use heat wave. (I already know where to recruit a charmander.)