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How far?

How far?

  • 1-10 floors

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • 11-20 floors

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • 21-30 floors

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • 31-40 floors

    Votes: 9 60.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Water Pokemon Master
How far do you think I'll get in Stormy seas with a:
Lv.39 Charizard &
Lv.39 Feraligatr

If you want the moves let me know and I'll post them.
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Well-Known Member
I got to Kyogre with a Lv. 37 Charizard (Zapdos lv. 40 and Croconaw lv. 31 got knocked out floor 25 Zapdos and Croconaw Floor 29 ) I got beaten by Kyogre so easily.

Lyoko uses Fire Blast!
Fire Blast Did 114 damage!
Kyogre used (some water attack)
It's super effective!
(water attack) Did 569 damage!
Lyoko was knocked out!

It was somthing like that.

Yes, I meant Zapdos not Articuno.
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Water Pokemon Master
Well I just recruited a treeko and bulbasaur in purity forest i think and used an escape orb (i was experimenting to see how it was and made it to the 5th floor when I found them) so I should train bulba or treeko?

Edit: Didn't you recruit Zapdos yet?


The Earthquaker
You will not get very far inside Stormy Sea at all. If by some miracle you do, Kyogre will still crush you. Train tons because Kyogre is no picnic.


Water Pokemon Master
ok thx. read the my 2nd post and tell me which grass pkemon to train.


The Earthquaker
Train Treecko. Sceptile rocks with Leaf Blade, while Venusaur loses a precious turn by having to charge up its weakened Solarbeam. Razor Leaf isn't particularly good either. I have a Sceptile as my partner, so you can trust me on this.
randomly off topic: PH33R TEH AWSUM POWRZ OF KYOGRE!


Water Pokemon Master
ok...thx for the tip but what about the monster houses what move is good for that.


The Earthquaker
Just prioritize who is a bigger threat. KO foes that can confuse you first. Then, destroy anyone attacking your teammates. If the exit is one or two steps away, however...just go to the exit regardless, unless it is blocked. In that case, defeat enemies close to the stairs, and then make a break for the stairs.


Water Pokemon Master
raichu was my partner at the start of the game but I made him the leader and he went in byhimself and I won and got kyogre on my first try :)

That's kinda hard to believe since you need surf to enter.


The Earthquaker
Yeah. There is no Surfing Raichu in the game.


The Earthquaker
*realizes that self just had a blonde moment* I am an idiot. It didn't occur to me that all you had to do was carry the HM with you XDDDDD laughing at self.
I got through it with a Level 36 Charizard and Sceptile. The HM is dive not surf.
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