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How I become the Pokemon Trainer.

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Trainer Mehmet

Hello everyone here is the Pokemon History of the GB. The first game that I play was on the year 1999. Oke I say that game was so stupit game but than I play the Pokemon Blue and mine Starter was the Pokemon named Squirtle and after 2 weeks was he Blastoise. Then I was so great and mine Dad selled the GB and I can't Play the Pokemon games and that after last 2 years I had GBC and that I play curently now Pokemon Gold. Ive got now 125 Pokemon's and 16 Badges. And now I downloads the Pokemon other GBA games on mine PC. Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness with Nintendo Wii later on 8 December 2006.
^Ookay. What country are you from? Because an English person would not usually have bad English grammer(no offence)


I dropped my balls
And why would we be intrested how you became a trainer? you better quickly ask the question how WE became trainers, or this is gonna be locked :p

If you already asked that, my bad, but the grammer sucks :p

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I used to hate pokemon.

Then i played colloseum 2 with a friend and started liking it.


Staff member
^Ookay. What country are you from? Because an English person would not usually have bad English grammer(no offence)

What country are you from? It's grammar.

And why would we be intrested how you became a trainer? you better quickly ask the question how WE became trainers, or this is gonna be locked :p

If you already asked that, my bad, but the grammer sucks :p

I suggest before you make remarks about someone elses grammar, you should first learn to spell grammar itself, and learn correct capitalization as well. You also spelled interested wrong.

And don't talk about ROMS. I'm closing this topic because it's just saying how you got interested in pokemon, no discussion whatsoever.
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