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How is this possible?

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Well-Known Member
probably caught in the wild. i also caught a lv 30 wailord before but normally wailmers are supposed to evolve at lv 40.


echospace obsessive
Cheating but serebii uses hacks from what i heard.either that or he was luck enough to catch a level 5 gyarados,i have any way.
He uses action replay to get the pictures for the attackdex. Though it is possible to catch pokemon under the level they evolve at - you can catch lv 18 gyradoses near bills house. ;123;


Well-Known Member
Yea theres also LV 5 legendary's in there to. Someone hacked to get quick pics for the site


I like pie.
some kind of cheat. theres a level 5 registeel there too. you know, the odd thing is, the only move registeel learns for quite a while is explosion so how did it get to level 40 in the games?


A cheating device was used to get those pictures. At first, I wondered myself why there was lv. 5 pokemons that is why though: they were cheated.


oblivion weilder
you never new 'celebi' WTF dont you mean serebii? but if you think its quicker to hack


Bullet Punch
Oh, come on. He erases the original lvl abd adds his own. It's called Fan Art.



Furret rocks
Well, if it is hacking...


*sigh* Serebii uses a Rom, Emulator and Cheat codes to get all the pictures for the site. The reason the D/P pictures aren't clear, is because there is NO working DS emulator yet, meaning they D/P can't be played on the PC.


Beginning Trainer
And I don't blame him... can you imagine the time it'd take to actually teach each and every attack to a pokémon then taking a screenshot?
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