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How is you mew?

Are you training it, waiting to transfer it up, or is it just in your box?


Gen 6 = <3
My mew is in my box awaiting to be trained...or cloned.


Zigzagoon luv
It's In a box, It has a bad nature, Gentle.


Powerplay Champion
getting the bejesus cloned out of it... but im just thinkin through different ways to train it now.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I have a shiny mew :p


Gen 6 = <3
Ditto. Right now it's sitting in the pc waiting to be transfered. I highly doubt I'll be cloning it as I heared somewhere that if you do it wrong your game could be deleted. Is that true? Or is it safe to clone?

It should be safe as long as you do it right. That is why that when I clone, after the pause, I wait until I see the whole text in the textbox before I shut my SP/DS off.


christian 4ever
mines i lv 100 and its in my team...............best stats ever,can learn any attacks,i couldn just leave him behind


best pokemon ever
In my PC still at Level 10. Waiting till im done with my National Dex (minus Deoxys and Celebii) Also being cloned for my friends who couldn't make it to the event. Its also Timid natured so it should make a pretty fast Special Sweeper when its done training.
Right now, all 3 of them all sitting there waiting for me to do something with it


fuk yo couch ***** !
i dont like legendaries particularly so my mew's in a box being quiet.

Ace Hardlight

I want race car bed
trained to level 50 now sitting in box