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How Long has It Taken you To Complete Ur National Dex


Active Member
I have 380 pkmn in my national dex in firered and i have a lvl100 team and all i need to complete my dex is Squirtle and its evos, kabutops (which i will do last for traditions sake as that was my last in red) mew and celebi. It has taken me 180hrs to get that far on firered and 100hrs on other games. I was just wondering how long does it tend to take other people to complete their dexes, have i done it slow or fast.

PS. I will be attending the Europe top 10pkmn event in milton kenes on the sunday, if any of u want to trade.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
I only have 381 pokémon on Emerald...and it took me 250 hours...altough probably about 80-100 hours were spent in the Battle Frontier.


Pokemon Collecter
It didn't take me very long to complete the national dex (compared to some). Probably 70-90 hours. However, on top of that, it took another 40 hours to get one of every single pokemon in my PC.

These are just estimates, as I didn't do it all in one go, but in big chunks, then battle frontier in between. Also, I cheated to trigger event pokemon events.


Eevee Trainer
I think it took about 150-180 hours to get up to 382 Pokemon. The ones I need left are the hardest to get, simply because of what you have to do to get them. I'm working on Ho-oh and I'll be borrowing a friend's copy of XD to get Lugia. Celebi and Deoxys I'll have to trade somebody to get.


Well-Known Member
I don't see why anyone would want to. It's not like you get anything. You would think they would give you something special for doing it. It actually gives you something to work for other than a congradulations.


Toon link
i have 331 pokemon all i need is to get some middle stage pokemon and start breeding and trade legendery's over wi-fi .....so it will take some time yes


Powerplay Champion
253 hours at the very least
took me about 50 hours to get 151 xD

I never bothered after that because I don't have the stamina to catch 'em all


Factory Expert
i got like 150 hours on my emerald but i only got 280 or so in dex.I ujust spend my time in BF,dex is too boring and hard to get(the pokemon that are not in emerald are hard and boring to get)


Eevee Trainer
I don't see why anyone would want to. It's not like you get anything. You would think they would give you something special for doing it. It actually gives you something to work for other than a congradulations.

Well, you do get a certificate from the GameFreak designer in the hotel and a sticker on your Trainer's Card. You also get a Johto starter in RSE when you complete your Hoenn 'dex. It's a good thing to complete your dex.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Around three weeks