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How long is the Mystery Dungeon story?


Fan since Gen 1!
I'm just wondering how long the game is (story wise)

I'm with my partner on the run and we've just beaten Moltres at Mt.Blaze.

Do I still have awhile left? I hope so.

Please no spoliers. I would just like to know if I'm neering the end of the game or not. I like long games so I hope I have a lot of storylines left.
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Team NightSpark
You'r roughly about half way through the story I'm afraid.


I wanted ketchup!!!
You are about half way in the story next is Articuno
You don't have much of the story left really. I was kind of ****** after this, because I expected the plot to be much longer <.< That's the only flaw I saw in PMD. It's utter shortness.

Well...It was good while it lasted, I guess.

:3 Have fun beating Articuno.


. . .
You still have to beat Articuno, go to Frosty Forest and meet a certain Pokemon and then return to the Pokemon Square, go to Magma Cavern and beat Groudon and then go to the Sky Tower.

I'm sorry if I spoiling anything. ^^;

Blobby Lugia

< My bishie
The story is

Rescue Caterpie
Make a rescue team
Find Magnemite
See Wigglytuff's shop
Save Diglett
Beat Team Meanies at Sinister Woods
Save Jumpluff
See Zapdos
Climb Mt. Thunder
Beat Zapdos
Save Shiftry
See Xatu
Become a fugitive
Climb Mt. Blaze
Defeat Moltres
Explore the Frosty Forest
Defeat Articuno
Climb Mt. Freese
Meet Ninetales
Watch ACT go and try to quell Groudon
Get your team base done up
Watch team FLB go and try to kill Groudon
You go to try
Defeat Groudon
Go to PKMN Square
Go to Hill Of The Ancients
Go to Sky Tower
Climb Sky Tower
Beat Rayquaza
but after all the storry there is still much left to accomplish!


Well-Known Member
This thread was started a long time ago. I am sure Gold/Silver18 has already gone through the story mode. There wa no need to bring up a old thread, also Blobby Lugia, it was mentioned, no spoilers.

Blobby Lugia

< My bishie
oops, sorry