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How many chances do you get to snag all the shadow pokemon in colosseum&xd g.o.d.?


See, my friend and I are having trouble snagging all the shadow pokes, cause they keep on fainting themselves or we run out of balls, or anything like that. So, we wanted to know how many times we will get to snag them all in those two games. Anybody know?


In colo: unlimited chances
XD: limited Mirror B. gets some of the shadows if you missed them but not all.
P.S. For colo just do the master ball trick


which is what?

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
Well, you get the masterball right?

Then what you do is on your first pokemon, use it, and on your second, go to items and switch it with a pokeball or some other ball.


The only ones Miror B. doesn't get in GoD are the ones that are under control of Trainers you can repeatedly battle.