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How many non scripted shinies have you encountered in the years you've played?


Well-Known Member
Today I encountered my very first random shiny (not counting scripted ones like the odd egg or red Gyarados). It is a Pokémon I've used previously in an older playthrough. However, as my first shiny I am definitely not leaving it in the PC. Wondering how many shinies others have encountered given this is the first time in my whole life I've gotten a random shiny.


I've encountered 4 shinies in Gen III.
The first two were a shiny Wingull and Vulpix in Sapphire, but unfortunately my 8 year old self released them both.
Next was a Pidgey in LeafGreen and a Numel in Emerald. Caught them both years and years ago (~2006 and ~2011 iirc), they're currently in my HOME boxes in fact.


Well-Known Member
I've only ever encountered 1 shiny in Gen 3 and it was the uncatchable shiny Weedle during the Old Man's catching tutorial in Fire Red. It sucked when it happened since Beedrill is one of my favorites and I would've loved to have it as a shiny but I'm not that mad about it anymore because I was lucky enough to find and catch at least 1 random shiny in every other generation (except in Gen 1 since shinies didn't exist in those games).


Call of Fate
The first shiny I've ever encountered was a Pidgey in FireRed, but sadly I ended up defeating it since I didn't know about shinies back then. Later in FireRed, I managed to catch a shiny Ponyta, and also encountered a shiny Parasect, but destroyed it thanks to a critical hit. I also caught a shiny Meowth in FireRed, a green Taillow in Sapphire, an orange Zigzagoon in Emerald, a green Tangela in LeafGreen, and shiny Mawile and Koffing in Ruby. Also in Emerald, I remember an NPC with a shiny Sandshrew in Fallarbor's Battle Tent, and shiny rental Misdreavus, Dewgong, and Feraligatr in the Battle Factory.:(

Shiny Venusaur

Internet Relic
I've come across many random encounter shinies throughout my time playing Pokémon games. I even had some Soft Reset Gen 3 shinies, but for the longest time, at Gen 3 random encounter shiny avoided me (only generation where I didn't have one). Back in 2020, I was replaying though Leaf Green and stumbled across a shiny Grimer in the Pokémon Mansion on Cinnabar Island.

So for the time being, and probably for the foreseeable future, Grimer is my only Gen 3 random encounter Generation 3 shiny.


Doing Their Best
Just three in Gen 3, a Spearow in Leaf Green, an Oddish in Sapphire and a Spheal in Emerald. The Oddish sadly fled (since it was a Safari Zone encounter), but was able to catch the other two.