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How many people actualy didn't evolve their starters?

Did you evolve your starters?

  • I was always thinking of evolving them, and I did

    Votes: 37 58.7%
  • I was always thinking of leaving them, and I did

    Votes: 7 11.1%
  • I was going to, but I changed my mind

    Votes: 5 7.9%
  • I wasn't going to, but I changed my mind

    Votes: 7 11.1%
  • I only evolved one of them

    Votes: 7 11.1%

  • Total voters
I'm so far the only person I know who didn't evolve them. I liked them the way their are, and when you evolve them, the picture that appears next to their name when they talk dissapears, which sucks. But even after all this, am I the only one who didn't evolve his/her starter?


Well-Known Member
i evolved my blastoise thinking his pic would be there(cause of the team hydro blastoise) but it wasnt now i wish i never evolved him


Well-Known Member
I didn't i kept them ;025; and ;007; (They're both Lv. 50)


Shine Now!
I didn't evolve my partner Pikachu.


I evolved my cyndaquil and treecko. They should of made talking boxes for all the pokes


Better then you
The first time I played I kept my Bulbasaur(me) and Cyndaquil(partner). Now I have started another new game and I'm probably gonna keep my starters.


Well-Known Member
They were cute, but their final forms were much better looking for me.
(Charizard & Blastoise)
I evolved mine as soon as I got a Water Stone and Thunder Stone. X3 I just had to be a Vaporeon with a Raichu for a partner. They're my 2 favorite Pokemon. It kinda sucks how you don't get the emocons when you evolve though. x.x I miss those.


Well-Known Member
i evolved Chikorita but not Pikachu

rescue team powerpokes

D/P is finally here!
Nope i evolved my Machop into Machamp and my Pikachu into Raichu.


<-- Solves any case!
I evolved treecko, cause I like the sceptile pic more. But I kept pikachu, For reqruting reasons, I'm going to reqruit another one and evolve him.


Well-Known Member
Nah, I have grown too attatched to the Scratch Cat and Mud Fish.

The only large pokemon I touch on a regular basis is Wailord, though it will be far funnier when it has a mobile scarf or super mobile. (I like the idea of a giant whale floating through walls or destroying them.)

It's a crimnial injustice however that when it splashes and lands on someone it only does 5 damage.