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How many pokémon have U got at level 100?

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Equine enthusiast
Sadly, none yet.... Out of my LG, FR, and Emerald games--my Emerald Delcatty is one level short of the halfway point and would be the first to reach it.
I should hold a celebration of 1st Pokemon to hit 50! :club:
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You're Illegal
Beachball said:
Sadly, none yet.... Out of my LG, FR, and Emerald games--my Emerald Delcatty is one level short of the halfway point and would be the first to reach it.
I should hold a celebration of 1st Pokemon to hit 50! :club:
were are you in your game?


Equine enthusiast
In Emerald, I got through Victory Road and reached the Pokemon League but I haven't bothered attempting to beat the Elite 4 yet. Instead, I'm leveling up my many low-level Pokemon so I'd have more leveled around mid-40 like the 6 Pokemon I took through Victory Road. I'm anxious to beat the Elite 4 though so I can catch Latias.

In LG and FR, I've only earned two badges in one and one badge in the other since I'm so preoccupied with my progress in Emerald.


Me? I have
[SPOIL]none, *laughs sheepishly*[/SPOIL]

My next-to-be Lv 100 is my Lv 90 Blaziken.

Needs a Deoxys

15 I have: Blisseyx6, (although i hate them) Blaziken x2, Sceptile, Espeon, Swampert, Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza x2. On other games, I have more.


Superluminal Porygon
29. No, really. Can't be bothered to list them all.


Super Coordinator
I have 6. A Kyogre, Rayquaza, Sceptile, Latias, Ninjask, and Registeel. I think I mostly used Rare Candies...can't remember now...it was in my Sapphire version. They all have effort ribbons for maxing EVs...and they still seem to have horrible stats...

The Vulpix

Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Total: 16

1. "MEWTUTU" ;150; : Psychic, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt
HP: 341
Attack: 251
Defense: 240
Sp. Atk: 366
Sp. Def: 238
Speed: 316

2. "KYORGY" ;382; : Thunder, Water Spout, Ice Beam, Rest
HP: 344
Attack: 223
Defense: 219
Sp. Atk: 332
Sp. Def: 330
Speed: 232

3. "HO-OH": ;250; Overheat, Solarbeam, Psychic, Thunderbolt
HP: 350
Attack: 280
Defense: 217
Sp. Atk: 267
Sp. Def: 397
Speed: 194

4. "RAQUEERZA": ;384; Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
HP: 340
Attack: 368
Defense: 231
Sp. Atk: 331
Sp. Def: 197
Speed: 223

5. "ZAPDORK": ;145; Thunderbolt, Aerial Ace, Toxic, Drill Peck
HP: 319
Attack: 211
Defense: 228
Sp. Atk: 335
Sp. Def: 221
Speed: 230

6. "LATIASS": ;380; Psychic, Surf, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam
HP: 302
Attack: 172
Defense: 210
Sp. Atk: 250
Sp. Def: 290
Speed: 250

7. "MR.BUBBLES": ;260; Surf, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Brick Break
HP: 338
Attack: 247
Defense: 257
Sp. Atk: 220
Sp. Def: 226
Speed: 183

8. "METAGROPES": ;376; Psychic, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Earthquake
HP: 307
Attack: 329
Defense: 284
Sp. Atk: 239
Sp. Def: 247
Speed: 137

9. "BLISSEY": ;242; Seismic Toss, Double Team, Toxic, Softboiled
HP: 646
Attack: 65
Defense: 68
Sp. Atk: 172
Sp. Def: 308
Speed: 161

10. "ALAKALINE": ;065; Psychic, Ice Punch, Thunderpunch, Fire Punch
HP: 273
Attack: 120
Defense: 138
Sp. Atk: 314
Sp. Def: 217
Speed: 301

11. "ASSTOISE": ;009; Hydro Cannon, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Brick Break
HP: 290
Attack: 186
Defense: 227
Sp. Atk: 238
Sp. Def: 254
Speed: 212

12. "UMBRIAN": ;197; Bite, Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray, Moonlight
HP: 320
Attack: 162
Defense: 270
Sp. Atk: 169
Sp. Def: 287
Speed: 162

13. "ESPEEIN'": ;196; Psychic, Dig, Shadow Ball, Morning Sun
HP: 271
Attack: 174
Defense: 155
Sp. Atk: 270
Sp. Def: 216
Speed: 284

14. "BLAZIKEN": ;257; Flamethrower, Brick Break, Body Slam, Earthquake
HP: 315
Attack: 271
Defense: 192
Sp. Atk: 247
Sp. Def: 177
Speed: 227

15. "CHARRETARD": ;006; Flamethrower, Overheat, Brick Break, Earthquake
HP: 285
Attack: 195
Defense: 211
Sp. Atk: 244
Sp. Def: 197
Speed: 284

16. "VILEPLUME": ;045; Secret Power, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder
HP: 320
Attack: 210
Defense: 223
Sp. Atk: 198
Sp. Def: 242
Speed: 143

Red/Blue total: 40




Phantom Poster
i have alot of lvl 100s boxes full of them
current pokedex 385
missing celebi
card color gold.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member

Blastoise is level 90 at the moment

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
I wanted to quote "The vulpix" but that would take up too much space, so just imagine I did.
Why do you give your Pokémon such nicknames? Well, most of them are humorous, but it's funny you should rename almost all of them. The only Pokémon I ever gave a nickname to was my G/S/C Krabby ("Pinchy").

My level 100 Pokémon include Groudon, Latios, Latias, Rayqaza, Kyogre - none of these are uncommon sights at level 100, but the ones I wanted to point out as unusual at lv 100 are: Mightyena, Camerupt, Crobat, Electrode, Volbeat, Huntail and, confusingly, Beldum. I kept Beldum as Beldum, because in my opinion, it looks better than both Metang and Metagross. Sure, I don't go and use it in link cable battles, but it's fun to use in the game.


here all my LV 100s

Linoone (Emerald)


I have about 60+ lvl 100 pokemon, fully trained. Then about 60 fully trained lvl 50's. I get bored using the same pokemon with the same moves all the time, so I train new ones. Besides, having a big variety to choose from makes the battle frontier way more fun.



I've got Rayquaza and Milotic. Milotic has won Master rank beauty contest several times...


Well-Known Member
My Rayquaza is level 100 because I was too lazy to level up my Pokémon properly, and just took them to elite 4, then switched them with Rayquaza for easy leveling, which in turn, eventually made my Rayquaza level 100 from shared experience.

I transferred my level 67 Sceptile and 50-ish Flygon to Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness because I wanted to get the Johto starters from Battlus at Mt. Battle, and most of my Pokémon sucked. After 400 battles (I screwed up on the first 100 by altering my party with the PC), my Sceptile and Flygon were at level 100. Actually, they were probably level 100 before 400 battles.


wcgold said:
My Rayquaza is level 100 because I was too lazy to level up my Pokémon properly, and just took them to elite 4, then switched them with Rayquaza for easy leveling, which in turn, eventually made my Rayquaza level 100 from shared experience.

I transferred my level 67 Sceptile and 50-ish Flygon to Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness because I wanted to get the Johto starters from Battlus at Mt. Battle, and most of my Pokémon sucked. After 400 battles (I screwed up on the first 100 by altering my party with the PC), my Sceptile and Flygon were at level 100. Actually, they were probably level 100 before 400 battles.

Hmmm. Dunno how many LV 100's that I have. I guess maybe 10 or so. Played many different games. My first game was Fire Red. Raised up a Venasaur. His stats aren't that impressive (actually, none of the LV 100's are.) I didn't IV or EV. Only a couple of them were Rare Candied. Anyways, here is the Venasaur's Stats.

Venausar's Stats: (BYRON)
HP: 316
AT: 173
DE: 246
SA: 249
SD: 216
SP: 222

Now, I don't play competitive and I didn't use anything special on him. It was from going through Fire Red and then finishing up in Colosseum. He didn't transfer until he was 89. The Mewtwo that I had was basically the same. I waited until he was 92 and moved him into Colosseum. Both of them walked other pokes through the 100 Mt. Battle until they reached 100.

MewTwo's stats: (SNOOKS)
HP: 339
AT: 271
DE: 213
SA: 375
SD: 217
SP: 279

They were my favorite pokes. I guess mainly cause they were the 1st. I then got a hold of a Deoxys. I've gotten a few more since then (only 1 was sharked, and I didn't do the sharking.) I raised the Deoxys and his stats on Emerald (yep, wanted the speed,) ended up like this.

Deoxys' stats: (Steve)
HP: 243
AT: 231
DE: 224
SA: 216
SD: 225
SP: 408

To date, that is the FASTEST pokemon that I have raised. On Fire Red, his speed goes down to around 348 or so (can't remember and don't have Fire Red to trade it at the moment.) His SA and AT were around 300 ish too (can't remember specifically.) I do remember that SA was WAY up there though. I have since raised up a MEW, KYOGRE, GROUDON, REGIROCK, LATIOS, LATIAS and several others I can't remember. Anyways, the ones listed above took a lot of work and effort. I actually did Deoxys COMPLETELY on EMERALD. I didn't move him to Colosseum. He did raise quickly as a traded poke though. I did have him on Fire Red first. I had to complete the badges so I could control him. Anyways, thanks to whoever started this thread. It brought back a lot of memories. I look forward to new adventures. LOL. I still remember playing the Venasaur and getting to 100 and wondering why he never leveled up anymore after that. I hadn't played Pokemon before and didn't know there was an upper limit.


only 29. don't feel like listing them, but 4 are kyogres, and 3 metagross(es?). 1 of each, i actually raised. the others were traded to me as filler in trades. and i have a heracross who'll be LV 100 by tomorrow. he's adamant, and purple.
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