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how many poke-plushies do you have?

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-swampert used gasp!
how many pokemon plushies do you have?

i have about two boxes full of them ^^,and a rayquaza plushie :)


Queen of Charizards!
i have 4 (pikachu, Poliwhirl, Charizard, and a Pikachu that talks when you press its hand)


Well-Known Member
I've got 2 Pikachu's, Poliwhirl, Bulbasaur, Eevee, Mewtwo, Mew and Jigglypuff.
I also have a very small Charmander somewhere but it's lost.


Gen 6 = <3
Yay a plushie thread!

ok I have.... about 11,12 if counting Espeon. They are:
Pikachu (old), Squirtle(old), Gligar(old), Swampert, Umbreon, Jolteon, Lugia, Latios, Lucario, Groudon, Ampharos ( does this even surprise anyone? It's the Banpresto plush from 2000) and Espeon until I give it to my friend for christmas.


Well-Known Member
Awesome. Gonna ask my parents if they could get a plushie from there for my birthday (they probably won't do it, since it's 'too kiddy' for me, hmpfff!).


It's electric!
I have 19. Pikachu, Charizard, Gengar, Clefairy, Togepi, Snorlax, Squirtle, Oddish, Mudkip, Torchic, Treecko, Plusle, Minun, Taillow, Pichu, Corphish, Mew, Weavile, and Shadow Lugia. Uh, I can't remember how I got Clefairy or Snorlax.

Eclipsed soul

Houndour Trainer
A lot xD;;;

All 4 Plushies from KFC in 1998(?)
Atleast 2 different Pikachu ones, probably 3.
One Eevee
One Snorlax
One Meowth
One Jigglypuff
One Raichu
Squirtle (from Otakon <3)

I know I have more D: but I can't remember the exasct ones since it's been awhile since I've seen some of them.
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