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How Much Money...


I'm baaaaaack
Say there was one Wii. Only one. It was for auctioning off.

This was the only way you could get a Wii.

How much money would you be willing to pay, tops, to get a Wii?

Sorry, random topic. xD

I would pay up to $500 only. Any more and It would not be worth it IMO.


Lost Fan #4815162342

Meh, I'd rather aim for it cheaper than more expensive.


Hoenn Champion
Well, I would say about £180. I know that that it the price now, but I told my self that I would not get a Wii if it cost more than that (this was before the price was revealed of course).

But, like Joe, I would go for the cheapest possible.


Furret rocks
I'd do do £75.
I wouldn't but it at all. >_> If there was only one system, then that means Nintendo wouldn't make any games for the Wii, therefore it would just be like my Gamecube. Well, maybe I'd pay like, I don't know, ten bucks for it. But nothing more if it would be nothing but an upgrade.


Hoenn Champion
Ahh, I never actually thought about there not been any games for it. I guess that I would not buy it at all then.

But, assuming that all of the games were still there, I stick with my original offer. The topic starter should clarify this.


Well-Known Member
Say there was one Wii. Only one. It was for auctioning off.

This was the only way you could get a Wii.

How much money would you be willing to pay, tops, to get a Wii?

Sorry, random topic. xD

I would pay up to $500 only. Any more and It would not be worth it IMO.

There is a simple answer to this question that makes everyone a winner.

Stay tuned to find out.

EDIT: God f*cking finally I get a rank change.

EmberStar the Blaziken

Kung-Pow Chicken
$275 tops, It hard enogh manging money for the $250 system.