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How much..

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...do you think I could make off of these cards on eBay (seperate for each game)?

A tin full of cards (loaded to top) with at least 20 rares.

200+ cards and at least 50 of them foil or rare or both.

2 booster boxes full of cards and at least 100 rares of any rarity.

Thanks in advance and sorry if this is in the wrong forum.

Haruka's Swimsuit

Bomberhead 18-kin!
Sceptile77 said:
...do you think I could make off of these cards on eBay (seperate for each game)?

A tin full of cards (loaded to top) with at least 20 rares.

Depends. If you call it a "grabbag full of great Yugioh cards for beginners" you might get a sucker or two to bid. You up your chances if you overplay how great the Rares are.
As for how much, I have no idea how much you'll be able to get. When it comes to selling cards on ebay, you're better off selling singles or sets (like a couple of cards that can be used together)... that is, if you're worried about how much you'll get paid.
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