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How necessary is the fire type?

I know a great many people love the fire type to death.
After all, it's a generic all round type that doesn't have silly attacks that beat around the bush, like dark and ghost.

But is it really needed for a team? Sadly for me I can never find a fire type thats really worth putting in there.
I see it in most teams - is this because it is steroetypically a powerful type?

What are your thoughts? Do you use fire pokemon? A lot? Or is it a type that can be happily left out?


I normally have at least ONE fire type in my squad at all times....which is usually the final evo of the starter...
My main reason is because I love the fire type, however it has:
It's own status effect.
Powerful high accuracy attacks.
some of the fire pokemon have a duel type that can make up for TWO types in a squad (I.E fire/ground).
They're strong against:

And generaly, the fire types have decent statistics...
That's probebly why, not just because they all look really cool (Minus Buuburn...)


Well-Known Member
I basically always have a fire pokemon in my team because I like most of them.

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
I love Fire Pokemon! They're my favourite type! :D And they're super-effective against Grass, Ice, Bug, and Steel!


It sucks that there are barely any new ones in Diamond/Pearl though. :(


Leave my posts alone
I always have a Fire-type. Flamethower is one of those moves that has a lot of potential, as you can encounter a lot of things that can eliminate the foe, even if isn't Super-Effective (although some people prefer Fire Blast)


Well-Known Member
Meh there alright. Kinda shafted really. theres only a few good one's around.


Venusaur The Best
I dont like fire types that much but they can come in handy especially when you are in the elite four against an ice trainer. Although even then i rarely use


Well-Known Member
Fire is the only Special type that is SE against Steel. Although now with the Special/Physical change it doesn't matter that much anymore.

There still are a few good Fire types. Blaziken comes to mind, especially now after the change. Ho-oh also is pretty decent in the Uber Metaplay.


Well-Known Member
Fire is one of the better all-round types, which is why I generally have one on my team. It is only weak to water, rock and ground, all of which are usually easy to take out with the right team backing it up (or HP Grass!). It can just take on such a wide variety of opponents.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I would love to see more fire types in the game, as I find they are a great asset to a team. However, the fire type is one of the types that gets very few additions within the game (compared to other types), despite its enormous popularity. Hence, people use the same fire pokemon over and over again, sometimes putting people off. I find that one of Pokemon's main features is the variety you can get within these species, so if there's a new generation I would like to see more different types of fire pokemon.


I'm Back
I like every type in the game, but Fire isn't my favourite type. But it is powerful.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
fire pokemon are good but i do find it annoying that quite a few firetypes are more attack based then sp attack - examples: Arcanine, Rapidash, Blaziken, Flareon etc you know what i mean?
I do also find it annoying that many fire types have such high attack, but little SPatk.
Flareon would be a really nice pokemon if its moves were reversed D: As would be rapidash.
Ninetales is the only pure fire pokemon that appeals to me. I'm put off by charizard's overuse, and I can't make up my mind as to whether or not houndoom is worthy of a spot in my team
