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How often do you switch your leader?


How often do you switch you leader. I usually do it in wish cave. Venasaur levels up very fast. Swampert levels up so slow.

Speaking of which, what Pokemon do you usually have come with you?

I usually have Venasaur and Quagsire come with me. Sometimes Kyogre.

News Lucario

GlItH hUnTeR Seth


Well-Known Member
I use my leader (Pikachu) most of the time, but I do switch to Blastoise every so often.
I usually take Absol, Duskull or Ledyba with me - or sometimes Linoone.


Active Member
I switch all the time. Usually to keep even levels between my starters, but also in dungeons to minimise my use of apples and the like.


I won't give up!
I use different pokemon depending on the dungeon where I want to go. I also switch in dungeons if I'm starting to get hungry.


I switch leaders all the time. It just depends


Well-Known Member
I only switch leaders to evolve some Pokemon. Occasionally though, I switch with my partner, Absol, and the legendaries.


Well-Known Member
I only switch leaders if I need to train a certain Pokemom.

Mainly, I choose Quilva, Venusaur, or Rattata (I KNOW)... as leaders...


Zigzagoon luv
I usually stay with pichu, But otherwise if I bring mudkip with me, I only switch When I'm running out of Hp.