I first played Red and Blue when I was on holiday in America, the summer of 1999. My cousin was majorly into Pokémon, and I played on his games a lot. When I accidentally saved over his Blue game, we decided I should just get my own copy to play. So I got Red, as an early 14th birthday present (my birthday's in September). By the time Pokémon started to hit Brtain as a huge craze, I was already well on the way to completing my Pokédex.

I got Yellow on it's release day in the UK. I played them until the summer of 2000, when I just got bored of the whole thing, as Pokémon over-saturated the market in... well... everything, seemingly.
At (maybe) Easter time in 2000, some friends and I had a six-way battle tournament. Of course, all our teams were really bad (Mine was Gengar, Venusaur, Blastoise, Charizard, Golem, Mewtwo), and I came second. Over the years, I occasionally challenged my friend Will (who won) to a rematch. Last May he accepted.

So, I started a new game on Red, and have got seriously into Pokémon once more.

I recently got Crystal, which I've been having lots of fun with.
And there ends my life story. Beautiful, eh?