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How rare are EXs really ?


Well-Known Member
I want to know how rare EXs are really because I got 3 from packs on my half term holiday and another from a pack a couple weeks after, and that seems a bit too many from about 12 packs if they are as rare as people make out. They were Exploud EX, Aggron EX, Jirachi Ex and Crawduant Ex, if this makes any diiference.
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Sun cat
I dunno. My bro had 14 EX's!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they dont seem to be as rare as everyone makes out.

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
It depends on the size of the set in question, and how many EXs are in the set. Holon Phantoms and Delta Species, for example, are hard sets to get EXs from as they only have three. But ones like Legend Maker and Crystal Guardians have a lot, so it's easier to get EXs from those sets.
yes i know how that was. i went to a tournament for holon phantoms, really wanted to get EX's, and i did, i got Mew EX, and Mightyena EX