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how rare is a fire type mankey?

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
It's not really rare. Form Delta Species above they created new "delta" pokémon, that have different types than the ones they used to.
Lightning-type Dratini
Fire-type Mankey
Steel-type Magikarp
and so on...


Thank you, SPPf! :)
It has a black circle in the bottom corner. That means it's excessively common. (Despite the fact that I don't think I ever pulled one from a pack, actually. Blah, I only bought like 6 packs of HP, anyways.)


fire type makey must be a misprint mankey but mankey does lear 3 fire type moves fire punch sunny day and overheat

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Fire-type Mankey is NOT a misprint. Have you never heard of the Delta Species in the TCG?

And the TCG is different to the videogames so what fire-type moves it learns in the games is just pointless knowledge when it comes to the TCG...


The Amazing chester
I have all three. But Stell Magikarp, really. And it needs a steel energy to do 10 damage!