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How to aquire mew?

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Haunter lover

Skitty Obsessed!!
How do I aquire mew on FR/LG...without cheating...Id like to know.

Sparky:Electric Guardian

< Me and Pokedolls
With the old sea chart that they gave on toys'r'us on sept. 30



[Insert Wacky Title]
The Toys R Us event didn't have any old sea charts. Mew was traded directly to your gameboy. The old sea chart was from a Nintendo event. I'm not sure if it's possible to mix records with a person who has it, in order to get it onto your game.


Eevee Trainer
Find someone with a Mew and trade, or wait until Nintendo has another Mew giveaway event. Sorry.

Rod Master

The Fishing Guru
Yeah Nintendo events like the one at Toysrus recently is your only hope. I took advantage myself and got 3 mews (bold, docile, sassy) - one for each version I had. Now if only they'd have another event nearby and offer Lugia, Deoxys, or Celebi...


Mew fanatic
I got mine at Toysrus, and i was lucky enough to find a guy with a celebei a deoxys and a jirachi that he traded to me. ;151; ;251; ;385; ;386;
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