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How to catch Latias/Latios

Hmhmmhmmmmm... beat the pokemon league ladida... flying to pacifidlog town... hmmm im bored i think im gonna go surf east, man i dont wanna run into pokemon so im gonna use this max repel... *swims about 25 steps* WTF I RAN INTO A LATIOS!!!

OK that was me... it took me about 15 secs to run into latios after i beat the pokemon league in RUBY and i already found Latios. Now i used a master ball and i got him but idk if i was lucky or i found a glitch. Anybody know? Or anybody wanna give it a try? It was freaking scary i just found a latios and i barely even started doing anything. Weird. Please post back on anything you know about this.

P.S. this was awhile ago and i just joined the forums so i decided to post about it. Since latios is lvl 45 the repel wont repel it.
OK thanks... lol

and btw, looking at your shinies... i wonder, how did you get em? just randomly or did you purposefully look for them?


I Love Pokemon
A while ago I found Latios when i was surfing to get Rayquaza.