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How to Find the legendary dogs


<--Mewtwo Rockz!
First you can easily find suicune, he is in a tower in ercuteak city.
For the other two,(I dont know if this is gonna work in your game, but it did work on mine) this is just very easy if you encountered it but failed(fleeing pokemon). But i encountered mine by using gameshark then encounter a low level version of the legendary dog then turn off the gameshark.
First look in your pokedex, and check where it is go after it, you can use fly to the nearest city to it, then check the pokedex normally it transfered to another location the same happens when you enter and exit buildings.
Just keep going after it 7 to 10 times just keep checking you pokedex and at the 7 to 10th time, check your pokedex and follow the legendary dog, if you were there already and it hasnt moved, its a success.....

Caution:Once you encountered it and it fled you have to do it all over..
And if you were planning to get in and out of a building until the legendary dog is near where you are, DONT DO IT! it'll just make it more than 7 to 10 times before it stops tranferring...


Well-Known Member
well if you are talking about crystal then you will just have to wait untill they appear randomly
but, if you cant catch them you can check in the pokedex their area but dont fly there because he will fly too


Linkin Park Trainer
Why 7 to ten times. can't you predict better if you check your dex every time you enter a new area?
Before you find it, Make sure you have a Golbat or Haunter that knows mean look with you in your first party. Use mean look and GO MAD WITH POKEBALLS
I'm not sure but...wait.....does Entei or Raikou know Roar? When I captured Entei with my MasterBall....IT KNEW ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If it uses roar say goodbye to entei or raikou forever......*sniff* goodbye.....