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how to get an evil Wigglytuff & the Holon rocks: Inside this thread

Cascade of the Sky

Cascade Gonpory!
LOOK, ;039; ;337; ;338;

001: first you have a cute igglybuff. It's sorta a blog with no feelings. but if you want to get a REALLY mad wigglytuff ex (like the one i made earlier) - simply do this:::

And now the Holon Rocks. The moon representative, and the representative of the sun.



never see people use holon blanks, good job the art is amazing.


<-Vincent as a puppy
As usual, the art is amazing, I don't see any flaws.;) I really like Lunatone's attack, it's a good HP drainer!!

Jigglypuff 10/10
Holon's Lunatone 10/10
Holon's Solrock 10/10

King Shuckle

Don't be daft
Very nice. There could be some wording problems, but i'm not an expert so I wouldn't know.

Jigglypuff: 10/10
Lunatone: 10/10
Solrock: 10/10


gee that's swell
Jigglypuff 10/10
Lunatone 10/10
Solrock 10/10

Just awsome! It's good to see someone who can actully make fake cards

Cascade of the Sky

Cascade Gonpory!
their are Tones of awesome fakers, from the top of my head, ZoraJolteon, QFred, Fangking, Blennix, ... um, King Shuckle ... um, sorry, that's all i know from the top of my head!