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How to get Jirachi

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there may be a thread about this already.. but i really want that Jirachi, i heard something about the moon.. hmm.. could someone give me some answers?


Josh trainer
The space center trick is a lie.

Your best bet is searching for the Colosseum Bonus Disc on eBay.

*Jean Grey*

Night Triumphant
You actually get it from a bonus disc in Colloseum if you pre-order it


Cascade Trainer
If you're in a NTSC region, you'll be looking for the Collosuem bonus disk to get Jirachi.

If you're in a PAL region, you can get Jirachi from Channel.


Well-Known Member
get it off collo/channel or just wait and get it off WiFi


I am the game
Pal also has bonus disk my friend has one.


I'll by ur soul
I miss my chance a loooong time ago. Soooooo, i can never get Jirachi unless i cheat. Or jack some1s game that has jirachi. Trade jirachi to my.And start new game on other person......jk

burn fire burn

the fire in me
I miss my chance a loooong time ago. Soooooo, i can never get Jirachi unless i cheat. Or jack some1s game that has jirachi. Trade jirachi to my.And start new game on other person......jk

I traded mine for a feebes since i have so many


Furret rocks
The 'Moon' trick is a fake.

You can get it from a European Channel, though, I think.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
only ways to get it:

Pokemon Colosseum Pre Order bonus disc (US)
Pokemon Channel (PAL version only)
Sending your game into Nintendo (UK only)

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
like everyone else said,
the rocket trick is a lie,
do what everyone else says...
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