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How to get Moves?


The Draphoenix
Ok, i was looking at the pokedex and it has some pokemon learn techniques but it just has a - by it

ex. Grass Starter - Wood Hammer
Ground Dragon- Fire Fang
PorgonZ - Scheme

how do they get these attacks?

Pearl Manyula

Well-Known Member
They are new. Pokebeach said that there will be some attacks that Don't need energy for use. U r talking about TCG right?

EDIT: I know what you mean. it looks something like this:

- / wood hammer
- / blah
- / blah
8 / razor leaf

I have NO idea how to get those but I wiah I could.
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Jinchuuriki Hunter

Johto Champion Ninja
I think it's like some sort of "it automatically learns the attack when you get it" thing. You know, like Grass Starter knows Wood Hammer when you get it.

...seems unlikely though.


Well-Known Member
You need to go to the move tutor to learn them.


The Draphoenix
oh, well, thats ok I guess. At least I now know and i can make Heart Scales in prep. is that what the DP move tutors want or something else?