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How to make a link?

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General Blaze

Not the face!
How the heck am I supposed to make a link to a web site, like that 'Click here to get your brain eaten by zombies' Link? And how can I descise it?


Zis eez how, sir.
First and foremost, sir, please go to ze site you wish to 'ost.
Zen Copy zis!

Eazy, no?
Zen, go to your user CP.
Click on ze button, Edit Signature, sir.
Type somezing intelligent in, for inztanze, Click here for ze real cacnea.
Zen, click on ze hyperlink button, sir, while you eez highlighting zat text.
Paste in ze URL you have copied.
And voila! you are done, sir.
Pleaze zay thank-you, sir.

Cipher Admin Skarmory

If you want to understandable do this:
Copy the link, put [URL*="the thing you want the link say"] the link[/URL*] without the *.


How you do this u say?

Option 1:
Type in the address, including *http. Remove *

Option 2:
[*url= (insert site address here)]Name of link[*/url] ) (ex: Click Here!) Remove *s

Option 3:
Look at the Newbie Guide and FAQ

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
And the Search button so totally owns.

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