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How to Teall if your game is Fake.

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DJ Panic!

Here's a Picture of a Fake Game(Ruby)

Here's a Real One(Ruby)

Here's another Picture of a Fake Game(Sapphire)

Here's a Real one(Sapphire)
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Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
we know......

according to your sig you are annoying yourself?

I do think most people on this forum are smart enough to relise all pokemon RPG GB/C/A games have been different colour cartridges then normal games...


Nothing to be done
A picture of all Japanese versions may be helpful. Also, I have never seen the translucent Japanese Sapphire cartridge, but I once saw a Japanese Sapphire game with a black cartridge and Kyogre on the front sticker. Which is the real one?

Sherlock Shuckle said:
I do think most people on this forum are smart enough to relise all pokemon RPG GB/C/A games have been different colour cartridges then normal games...
Not the Japanese ones. The entire first generation of Japanese games had grey cartridges.

DJ Panic!

Cipher said:
A picture of all Japanese versions may be helpful. Also, I have never seen the translucent Japanese Sapphire cartridge, but I once saw a Japanese Sapphire game with a black cartridge and Kyogre on the front sticker. Which is the real one?
never seen it...
but i have a ruby one

I think the one with the Kyogre in front is Fake


Nothing to be done
ABSOLute said:
never seen it...
but i have a ruby one

I think the one with the Kyogre in front is Fake
The Kyogre one I saw looked exactly like that, except with a blue background and Kyogre where Groudon is.

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
wait heres a Q

say I buy a game from EB games (sapphire is what I need) and its looks fine and its clear.

but how can I tell WITHOUT opening it?

and if I trade a fake game with my emerald what would happen?

and I live in the US

DJ Panic!

Most of the time the cartridge is a different but ya never know,
a way you could tell is put it in your gameboy,and if you start to see stuff different like the texts at the bottom of the screen,then it's fake.

Like this.
the regular way it would load be Intro,Press start,Choose which of the 4 and or (Example:Continue
Player Absol Time 54:48
Pokedex 14 Badges 8
| New Game |
|Option |
Text:The game has been updated,Your game will now be loaded.
OR... everything in the game the colors will seen faded.)


Well-Known Member
Cipher said:
Not the Japanese ones. The entire first generation of Japanese games had grey cartridges.

Liar. They're all color Coded in both America and Japan.

Oh, and the Grey Sapphire is a Fake.

Evanji Axu

I suppose it's pretty much a given that the cartridges of authentic Pokemon games are the same color as the version of the game. It's been that way since R/B/Y, and the gem (C/R/S/E) cartridges are translucent. My Red GBS SP looks kinda Christmasy with Pokemon Emerald in it *giggles*


I've seen a fake Emerald - grey cartridge with a Rayquaza pic. The translation was so bad that I didn't really have to open it to know it was a fake.


Well-Known Member
And open up the cartrilidge. it you see a big black dot (look at pics) then it's fake. it's the glue they use.
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