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Hi there, from my user name, you guessed my name (Raihan).
I am a member of the Elite 4! Muhahaha!
Anyway, I would like to be friends with anyone on this forum.
Oh, and one more thing, how do you edit your sig? There is no option to do that.
;006; & ;384; are my favorite Poke'mon.


Hello there I'm new to the forum too. I'm Jirachi...well actually my names Kat but yeah..

Anyway have fun here and I'll be your friend if you'd like. ^_^

Um...I know how to do that but I'm not good explaining it..sorry ^^;;


echospace obsessive
hi elite 4 riahan to edit your signature log in go then go on to private messages look 2 the left and u should see edit signature and voila


Welcome if you need help want to talk or be friends pm me.

And for a sig go to your user cp and pick edit signature.


pokemon/mew master
want to be freands?