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Hows my layout?


You know RG r0x.
My old website, I am thinking of putting it online.

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
Not bad, the text is a little too big and you might want to expand the top banner so it covers the whole of the page and color it's background like you colored the background of your page. (it sort of sticks out at the moment)

And those little "nav bits" (the small images on both sides of each navigation element)... it might look better if they were smaller or if there was only one instead of two.

Otherwise nice and simple! I hope you decide to get the site running again.


You know RG r0x.
i'll change the banner colour ^_^.
I understood I should only have one, but what do you mean make them smaller? It'll look strange if they are small and links are big. ^_^'
Its running actually and if you are lucky you might get a glimpse of it (I cant keep the server running right now but when it is the site is up. and its rare, once im finished i might post it here)
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I won't give up!
The colours are nice. But like Magma Leade Maxie said the text is a bit too big and those images in your navbar look a bit weird. Maybe delete the ones on the right side.

A quick sidenote : a banner is an important tool for a succesfull website. The first thing a visitor looks at is the banner. So you may stretch the banner to cover the whole width of the page.