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How's My Team Looking?



I've been working on my emerald team for quite sometime now, and I was wonder how it's looking so far. My main team pokemon are almost at lvl 100. My basic stragedy is to bolster their personal weaknesses and exploit their main strength. Note I have a thing for attacking.


Pokemon: Raichu ;026;
Level: 94
Ability: Static
Hold-Item: Magnet
Strength: SP. ATK
Attack1: ThunderBolt (type+item bonus)
Attack2: Thunder (type+item bonus)
Attack3: Seismic Toss (???)
Attack4: Rain Dance (support thunder)


Pokemon: Typhlosion ;157;
Level: 93
Ability: Blaze
Hold-Item: Charcoal
Strength: SP. ATK
Attack1: Flamethrower (type+item bonus)
Attack2: Earthquake (rock-type defense)
Attack3: Thunderpunch (water-type defense)
Attack4: Blast Burn (type+item bonus)


Pokemon: Crawdaunt ;342;
Level: 95
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Hold-Item: Mystic Water
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Crabhammer (type+item bonus)
Attack2: Aerial Ace (fighting/grass-type defense)
Attack3: Swords Dance (support attack)
Attack4: Dig (electric/steel-type defense)


Pokemon: Zangoose ;335;
Level: 95
Ability: Immunity
Hold-Item: Silk Scarf
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Slash (type+item bonus)
Attack2: Shadow Ball (attackbased)
Attack3: Swords Dance (support attack)
Attack4: Aerial Ace (fighting-type defense)


Pokemon: Crobat ;169;
Level: 94
Ability: Inner Focus
Hold-Item: Sharp Beak
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Wing Attack (type+item bonus)
Attack2: Sludge Bomb (type bonus)
Attack3: Shadow Ball (psychic-type defense)
Attack4: Fly (type+item bonus)


Pokemon: Heracross ;214;
Level: 91
Ability: Guts
Hold-Item: Scope Lens
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Brick Break (type bonus)
Attack2: Rock Slide (fire/flying-type defense)
Attack3: Megahorn (type bonus)
Attack4: Reversal (type bonus)

I might switch off my Crawdaunt for my Relicanth (once I level it up). I'll post it's stats anyway, just incase someone thinks I should do the switch.

Pokemon: Relicanth ;369;
Level: 50
Ability: Rock Head
Hold-Item: Silk Scarf
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Double-Edge (item bonus)
Attack2: AncientPower (type bonus)
Attack3: Sleep Talk (support rest)
Attack4: Rest (healing)

thanks in advance.

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We'll only be constructive when you post your team in a readable format ¬¬

And don't use retarded items such as Silk Scarf-its just an embarrassing waste.


Awesome Guy
Skuda said:
I've been working on my emerald team for quite sometime now, and I was wonder how it's looking so far. My main team pokemon are almost at lvl 100. My basic stragedy is to bolster their personal weaknesses and exploit their main strength. Note I have a thing for attacking.


Pokemon: Raichu ;026;
Level: 94
Ability: Static
Hold-Item: Leftovers
Strength: SP. ATK
Attack1: ThunderBolt (type+item bonus)
Attack2: Encore / Thunder Wave
Attack3: Substitute
Attack4: Focus Punch

Jolteon, Zapdos, and Raikou are all >>> Raichu


Pokemon: Typhlosion ;157;
Level: 93
Ability: Blaze
Hold-Item: Leftovers
Strength: SP. ATK
Attack1: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
Attack2: Substitute
Attack3: Thunderpunch (water-type defense)
Attack4: Focus Punch

Never use Blast Burn


Pokemon: Crawdaunt ;342;
Level: 95
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Hold-Item: Leftovers
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Surf / Crunch
Attack2: Return
Attack3: Swords Dance (support attack)
Attack4: Ancientpower


Pokemon: Zangoose ;335;
Level: 95
Ability: Immunity
Hold-Item: Leftovers
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Return
Attack2: Shadow Ball (attackbased)
Attack3: Swords Dance (support attack)
Attack4: Quick Attack / Brick Break


Pokemon: Crobat ;169;
Level: 94
Ability: Inner Focus
Hold-Item: Choice Band
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Aerial Ace
Attack2: Sludge Bomb (type bonus)
Attack3: Shadow Ball (psychic-type defense)
Attack4: Return / HP: Ground / HP: Fighting


Pokemon: Heracross ;214;
Level: 91
Ability: Guts
Hold-Item: Leftovers
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Brick Break (type bonus)
Attack2: Rock Slide (fire/flying-type defense)
Attack3: Megahorn (type bonus)
Attack4: Swords Dance

I'd recommend CBCross, but I have this thing against putting more than one CBer on the same team....

I might switch off my Crawdaunt for my Relicanth (once I level it up). I'll post it's stats anyway, just incase someone thinks I should do the switch.

Pokemon: Relicanth ;369;
Level: 50
Ability: Rock Head
Hold-Item: Choice Band
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Double-Edge (item bonus)
Attack2: Rock Slide
Attack3: Earthquake
Attack4: Hydro Pump

I know this goes against my thing about no more than one CBer on a team, but this is it's only really effective set imo

thanks in advance.

Comments in bold. And never use type boosting or hax items....
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Hyper Coordinator
SPN said:
Wow...among others, that was the most useless, jerk-like post I've seen you make, way to be a b@st@rd.

and way to be a retard

and for the rate, No double attacks (like on Raichu only one Electric move that does damage)

no 10% boost items, Lefties will help you MUCH more
get rid of relicanth
PUrEHearT said:
and way to be a retard

and for the rate, No double attacks (like on Raichu only one Electric move that does damage)

no 10% boost items, Lefties will help you MUCH more
get rid of relicanth

More like get rid of all of them except hera. Seriously, the others are either UU/BL for a reason or are OU and just suck. Then again it is In-game so its not like it matters against the crappy AI :/
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More like get rid of all of them except hera. Seriously, the others are either UU/BL for a reason or are OU and just suck.
It's called Ingame for a reason

way to be an piece of cr** omastar.Also,you(omastar)Are spamming.
Way to be a hypocrite

you can't say anything is alright, you like greenday ffs
Never heard of 'em

nah there alright

Wow...among others, that was the most useless, jerk-like post I've seen you make, way to be a b@st@rd
Obviously you dont know how things work around RMT

Skuda said:
I've been working on my emerald team for quite sometime now, and I was wonder how it's looking so far. My main team pokemon are almost at lvl 100. My basic stragedy is to bolster their personal weaknesses and exploit their main strength. Note I have a thing for attacking.


Pokemon: Jolteon;135;
Level: 94
Ability: Volt Absorb
Hold-Item: Leftovers
Strength: SP. ATK
Attack1: ThunderBolt (type+item bonus)
Attack2: Substitute(type+item bonus)
Attack3: Baton Pass (???)
Attack4: Thunder wave/HP: Grass/Wish/Agility/Bite

Bite as a last resort


Pokemon: Typhlosion ;157;
Level: 93
Ability: Blaze
Hold-Item: Lefties
Strength: SP. ATK
Attack1: Flamethrower (type+item bonus)
Attack2: Substitute
Attack3: Thunderpunch (water-type defense)
Attack4: HP: Grass


Pokemon: Crawdaunt ;342;
Level: 95
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Hold-Item: Mystic Water
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Crabhammer (type+item bonus)
Attack2: Aerial Ace (fighting/grass-type defense)
Attack3: Swords Dance (support attack)
Attack4: Dig (electric/steel-type defense)

I dunno Crawdaunt


Pokemon: Zangoose ;335;
Level: 95
Ability: Immunity
Hold-Item: Silk Scarf
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Slash (type+item bonus)
Attack2: Shadow Ball (attackbased)
Attack3: Swords Dance (support attack)
Attack4: Aerial Ace (fighting-type defense)

I dunno much about Zangoose


Pokemon: Crobat ;169;
Level: 94
Ability: Inner Focus
Hold-Item: Choice Band
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Aerial Ace (type+item bonus)
Attack2: Sludge Bomb (type bonus)
Attack3: Shadow Ball (psychic-type defense)
Attack4: HP: Ground/Fighting


Pokemon: Heracross ;214;
Level: 91
Ability: Guts
Hold-Item: Choice Band
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Brick Break (type bonus)
Attack2: Rock Slide (fire/flying-type defense)
Attack3: Megahorn (type bonus)
Attack4: Facade

Dont flame, Facade is there for ingame-ness

I might switch off my Crawdaunt for my Relicanth (once I level it up). I'll post it's stats anyway, just incase someone thinks I should do the switch.

Pokemon: Relicanth ;369;
Level: 50
Ability: Rock Head
Hold-Item: Silk Scarf
Strength: ATTACK
Attack1: Double-Edge (item bonus)
Attack2: AncientPower (type bonus)
Attack3: Sleep Talk (support rest)
Attack4: Rest (healing)

How about no?

thanks in advance.



Hyper Coordinator
wow... your swearing makes us coward into our beds doesnt it? swearing isnt helping your debate, its making you sound more like a ***

and I wouldnt call your post really helping to our thread maker eh? so if your not helping then why are you yelling at us for not helping?

instead of Relicanth get a Starmie or Swampert

Modest or Timid
Ice Beam

Ice Beam
wow stop the e-drama before I ***** slap you all.

k thankx

::deletes spam::
Shining Mew said:
wow stop the e-drama before I ***** slap you all.

k thankx

::deletes spam::

Erm it's still there ._.; Anyway considering its in-game instead of relicanth, use Purehearts set for pert instead of starmie considering the team already has 2 special sweepers.
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Hyper Coordinator
i would ditch crawdaunt too... but at least its better than Relicanth... <_<

how about another dark type... like a houndoom?

Sunny Day
Solar Beam



the top set is a SP sweeper set, the bottom set is more of a team helper.... Crawdaunt sucks so bad... get another poke please


Houndoom would be a better choice...Cradaunt has horrible SpDef...along with bad Hp, which isn't good for his speed and how many Special weaknesses he has...Houndoom doesn't have the best of Defenses either, and a lot of weaknesses, but he's faster.