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HP form Deoxys?

Should there be HP form Deoxys?

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Legendary star

Well-Known Member
I think there should be a Deoxys for every stat including HP. The only problem is how it's going to look. I mean, Speed Deoxys looks speedy, Defense looks like it can take a lot of hits, and so on.
I would like to see another form for Deoxys. I think that an HP form is a good form. It would have the most HP possible in Pokemon with o.k defense and attack.


christian 4ever
it will be kind of at like blissey..........i have no problem with it

Girafarig Girl

Beautiful but Deadly
Ew, no I wouldn't want one. Why make more species of an ugly Pokemon? Plus, compared to other psychic type ubers such as Mewtwo and Lugia, Deoxys pretty much sucks (it can barely hold its own in OU play).


A HP Deoxys would have tremendous HP...and every other stat would suck. It'd be sad to see a Deoxys with 945 HP taken down to 0 in a OHKO non-stabbed Bite attack.

Mew King

It's black magic!
It would be a combo of the defensive and attack Deoxys since it takes both to have stamina. However, it wouldn't happen at all though. If they do make it, its defenses and speed will probably be medeocre, and its attack will probably be just okay.

once in a blue Mew

i don't think there should be a HP form deoxys but it does raise a question; What would it look like? and another; what attacks would it learn?


I think there should be a new form, but why not an accuracy or evasive form?

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
i don't think there should be a HP form deoxys but it does raise a question; What would it look like? and another; what attacks would it learn?
Looks: Like a Defense Deoxys, but more "rounded" (Blissey way) if you get what I mean :D
Attacks: Recover, Refresh, basically healing moves.


Well-Known Member
It'd be cool, i mean, deoxys only has 4 forms, we could use another! :p


Slow and steady baby
An HP based Deoxy?


Make him really, really fat.
No because then it would have horrible numbers in other stats.