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mega mew

Where are my keys??
1. go to the sootopolias city......
2. go in side the first house on the left....
3. now see the door behind the tress? wats it 4??????????


Master Breeder
if you have one of the e-reader trainer cards, you can connect your GBA and emerald cart to the e-reader and swipe the card, then go behind the trees and battle someone.

otherwise, it's useless.


Not 'Thomas Stein!'
You mean, half impossible to open?
I always thought yo need a key from that crashed ship.


Bullet Punch
Don't you mean the house in mossdeep, or am I just wrong? And also, ever since I came here, there have been so many of these threads on 'the door in the house?!??!'.



Master Breeder
Don't you mean the house in mossdeep, or am I just wrong? And also, ever since I came here, there have been so many of these threads on 'the door in the house?!??!'.


in emerald, it's where the TC said it was. in R/S, it's in mossdeep just south of the pokemart.
Yup, E-reader cards


The new tuxedo look!
You need an E-reader, and I don't know where to find one.


I'm fairly sure the E-Reader is discontinued everywhere except Japan. You might try EB Games or Gamestop or something, though...

It's not like you can actually use the E-Reader for anything, though. In American Pokemon games, only Ruby and Sapphire are compatible with it -- not FireRed, not LeafGreen, not Emerald. Unless you have other reasons to buy it (I do, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet), don't buy it.


Active Member
it is in....

I think the house your thinking of is in Fortree city.
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