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Human (and pokémon) Origins

How do you write human/pokémon origins in your fanfics?

  • God/Gods/Legendaries did it

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Humans and pokémon evolved, but from different ancestors

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Humans and pokémon evolved from a common source

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters

Pink Parka Girl

I wish I could change my username
Human (and pokémon) Origins

Please note this conversation deals with the pokémon universe only. I really don’t want this to turn into an evolution/Creation debate. If you want one of them, go to the Debate Forum. This thread’s purpose is to ask about how one deals with the question of just what humans are in relation to the pokémon universe, not to debate about our own origins.

In your fanfiction, how do you deal with the question of "How did humans and pokémon come into being?"

Here’s how I, myself, deal with this question: The second option. I don’t put much stock at all in the Legendary tales (I prefer to see them as purely mythic, and not a reflection of the world’s reality), so right from the start I’ll be thinking along an evolutionary path. For me, humans are not pokémon, can’t breed with pokémon, and they don’t lay eggs – they just plain did not evolve from pokémon. In my view, evolution started out in the pokémon world in the same way that it did our own – perfectly normal animals evolving and growing out of the slime. This is what canon supports – with only seven base fossil pokémon so far, and one more living for millions upon millions of years without going extinct (relicanth), there had to have been other creatures (though of course, I think there were a good deal more than eight prehistoric pokes). These other creatures are your typical prehistoric animals, including some who would then evolve into a new kingdom of creature, pokémon, and one that would become the only non simple animal species to survive – humans. Before the famous asteroid hit and wiped out the dinosaurs, there was another mass extinction that occurred while most life on Earth was still water-bound (I forget which era it occurred in exactly). In order to survive, trilobites, crinoids, and several other of the species existing at the time underwent a very sudden mutation, evolving (in the true manner of the word) into kabutos, omanytes, anoriths, lileeps, and relicanths. Not only were they the most intelligent things on the planet at the time, they had also developed incredibly complex ways of defending themselves. Exactly how these developed I have no theory for, however. They also evolved a means of very rapid growth to a mature state when presented with certain stimulus, which would be later termed evolution, though it is not truly evolution at all in my opinion. A relicanth mutation led to a subspecies of theirs evolving; this creature, along with dozens of other non- pokémon species, soon began exploring on land and evolved, like the others, into one of the first amphibians. This species then gradually developed into varied other species over the course of millions of years. While the other ocean dwelling pokémon died out, relicanth remained, and would do so until the present day, other mutations eventually growing and forming into all the other sea dwelling pokémon.

Areodactyl and the other land-dwelling prehistoric pokémon went extinct after the asteroid hit, and so did practically everything else, leaving the non-pokémon mammals – and the pokémon of all stripes – to inherit the earth. Unlike the non pokémon creatures, the prehistoric pokémon went extinct because they adapted – into new creatures, who adapted into still more new creatures, all the land dwelling pokémon. Ordinary animals, except for simple creatures who had sheer numbers to keep them from dying out, such as many insect species, were swiftly dispatched of – they had no resistance to the pokémons' extraordinary defensive abilities and couldn’t adapt fast enough to develop said resistance. The only survivor of the pokémon induced genocide would be a tree-dwelling monkey species that would eventually climb down to the earth, stand upright and become humans.

By standing upright, humanity freed its hands for tool use, and as a result, its brain got larger. While there are bipedal pokémon, many lack the needed thumbs, and even those with thumbs didn’t possess fully opposable ones. Humans had evolved this, and as a result, it had become the most intelligent creature on earth. Unlike the other animals, humanity, using its big brain, could come up with ways to protect themselves from the pokémon, and even come up with ways to tame and use the pokémon for protection, food, clothing and eventually, sport battle (yes I'm one of those so evil people who think pokémon are just animals with funky powers. No, you won't be changing my mind on that ;) )

So, what are your theories? :)
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The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Being a huge Battlestar Galactica fan. I say the humans fell on the Earth tens if not hundreds of thousands of years ago (which is why most don't have any supernatural powers). So, humans are aliens on the Pokemon world but for some reason they had no ability return to the stars and instead began to live along side the Pokemon.


Well-Known Member
I put Legendaries, but mine is more of a mixture between that and evolution from different sources.

In my fic, the Legendaries (Aruseus and Mew specifically) created the world millions of years ago, At the same time two different lines of creatures were created, ordinary animals like dogs, birds, fish, humans etc, and Pokemon. As time passed the forces of evolution got to work and the ordinary animals began to die out as there was no way they could compete with Pokemon and the abilities they had. The only animals to survive were humans, as they had the intelligence to survive Pokemon and eventually capture them.


Well-Known Member
Being a huge Battlestar Galactica fan. I say the humans fell on the Earth tens if not hundreds of thousands of years ago (which is why most don't have any supernatural powers). So, humans are aliens on the Pokemon world but for some reason they had no ability return to the stars and instead began to live along side the Pokemon.

As far as my fic is concerned, this is as much detail as neccesary, even surplus since I wont be delving into it much anyways.


Just me
Well, in my fic, humans came there from this world through a dimensional rift some thousands of years ago or so. These dimensional rifts then have opened again regularly, allowing the cultures of the humans of both worlds to blend, and then after the rise of modern technology, scientists managed to open a dimensional rift and keep it open so that there was a static portal between the worlds. (Then this world was destroyed through nuclear warfare, leaving the Pokémon world the only place where humans remained.)

Pokémon evolved by ordinary evolution in the Pokémon world, being the first kind of life to rise, but the dimensional rifts to our world allowed plant seeds and some animals to be transferred over as well later on. Animals were no match for Pokémon, which were an entirely different form of life right down to their genes - instead of being molecular-based, like we are with our DNA molecules, Pokémon's genes are in the form of waves - and thus they were pretty much driven to extinction, but plants survived since there was no competition between them and the Pokémon and no Pokémon ate them yet.

However, after the rise of legendary Pokémon (basically a class of powerful, immortal Pokémon) through ordinary evolution, strange circumstances led to a mysterious happening where something began to drain the legendary Pokémon's energy (
and in fact that of other Pokémon too, but because the legendaries are immortal, it continuously affected them while among other Pokémon, evolution favoured those who were least affected by it
) and finally, when they were all left powerless, it somehow pulsed this energy out again to return to its former owners, doubled. This sudden burst of power put the legendaries in a state of madness, they began to unleash their powers upon everyone and everything, and eventually destroyed all the Pokémon fauna and each other until only one was left, who was after all this completely exhausted and back to a somewhat normal state of power and mind. The legendary Pokémon then discovered it could create Pokémon from itself, and in short did so, first creating new legendary Pokémon and then ordinary Pokémon. This then became a cycle that continuously repeats itself, one Pokémon always left to recreate the Pokémon, so in short the Pokémon that are here now could be said to have been created by a legendary Pokémon, but the legendary most likely drew its inspiration from the Pokémon it knew before, so one can expect the Pokémon to be somewhat similar to the form they acquired through evolution.
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Arcanine Royale

Well-Known Member
Well, I too have different worlds. For the one that is shaped after our world, supporting one side of canon, there was probably a rift between the worlds like Dragonfree's and the similar thing happened.

However, there's also a version where I have it set 140my into the future when the world has returned to its one continent form and animals have evolved into pokemon due to asteroidal and volcanic activity. Humans died off on earth but return to earth by space ship but it breaks down and is destroyed.