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huntail or gorbass

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flashfire flareon

if you had the choice between these two who would you choose?;004;
Neither but I would choose to put this in the right section which is polls.


Tropical Spirit

YAY! Original>You =3
There isn't a pokemon named 'gorbass' :X
Anyways, GOREBYSS is better. It can get the speed it lacks with Rain Dance, plus it has an awesome SP. Attack stat and a movepool to go with.
It's also so much better design-wise. ^.^

flashfire flareon

yeah thats cool i like gorebyss too sorry about the spelling i put the wrong letters
I like Huntail's looks (Pimps 0wn.), but he's just not suited for those Stats. Gorebyss is a better battler. I don't like either much anyway. :p
Meh, Huntail. Looks cooler, but is sadly weaker. It's not meant to Phys. Sweep, but Gorebyss is meant to Sp. Sweep and does it a lot better than Huntail, so why use Huntail? Meh, it looks very cool, though. Viperfish are among the coolest creatures in the galaxy. Gorebyss is a pink eel*screams in false fright* I know the 'Dex makes it seem very vicious, but just looking at it is a turn-off to me.....It's better, though, no denying that....

The 8th Champion


Back I guess??
gorebyss has the best s.attack among the non-legendary water pokemon, learns psychic too, so I´ll vote Gorebyss!

OK, it isn´t the best, but it´s just one base point diference than the 1st.
I'ma goin' with Huntail. I like it. Kinda cool, love its color, and.... saved me in Pokemon Colosseum. :3



I love the sarcasm. =P

Anyways, I vote Gorebyss, since in terms of usability both have been just the same to me, and Huntail looks like a freaking tree log on antidepressants.


Both pokémon are ugly but they are some what useful, I'd choose Gorebyss over Huntail because it can learn Psychic (by level-up), which is better then Psy/Golduck ever been, anyway they're both very slow so I would only use them against something really slow like trapinch or so...


The Queen
I say Huntail...sure Gorbyss is better stat wise...but as a coordinator, I don't give a crap. :D
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