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"Hunting" for shiny pokemon???

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Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
I always thought shiny Pokemon were really rare like a 1 in 8000 chance or something... and that which pokemon are shiny and where are determined by the hexadecimal values in your trainers name or something like that...

Then I see these people on the forums with like SEVERAL shiny pokemon and another several that they are "hunting" for. How do they do this? How do they get so many shiny Pokemon?


Well-Known Member
They're just really lucky and/or have the patience to search for hours to find them. They're not really "hunting" them; more like engaging in wild battles, hatching eggs, and soft resetting till they find 'em.


Shinx <3
A bucket load of patience is needed.
In my first 48+ hours of Emerald, only one shiny have I met, and it missed.


Well-Known Member
Yea it takes alot of Patience to get so many shinies


Well-Known Member
I've encountered two after playing hundreds and hundreds of hours (silver, sapphire, firered, colosseum) and one of them I didn't even realise was shiny until after I had it.
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