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~Hybrid/Scientist War v.2~ Help'n'Such

Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
Yeah.. second version of this...


Made by: me
Elaborated by: Torkie10 (I miss her :()
Buildings in the Area

• Penthouse
• Main Building
• Chemical Plant
• Greenhouse
• Armory/Weaponry
• Delivery/Storage House

The Penthouse is where the head scientist lives. Not very many people know what is inside, and those who do never tell. No low-paying scientists or hybrids are allowed in the building. The building itself is highly dangerous. Access is limited, and those without access are in danger of their lives. It is full of booby traps, guards, and obstacles. Most high paying scientists never see the head scientist anyway, but instead, they see a hologram or a computer screen projection.

The Chemical Plant is where chemicals are made and DNA extracted. It is pretty far from the other buildings because of its health hazard. No one except the head scientist knows if people or machines work there, but the scientists get chemicals and DNA from this building. No one is allowed in without written permission from the head scientist and a legal document accepting the possible death occurrence that could happen while inside the plant. A second “wing” of the plant is where raw materials are processed to make clothes, paper, plastic, and other useful materials.

The Greenhouse is where all the food and organic materials are grown. Some grass hybrids work here, but it is mostly an entry level job for the low paying scientists. Natural methods are the only methods used here; chemicals are added later. No experiments whatsoever are conducted here because it could damage the food for the hybrids. The greenhouse has three sections. The Food Section, which provides food and nutrients for scientists and hybrids alike; the Plant Section which grows useful plants for the use of the scientists and the Hybrids; and the Education Center. The Education Center is open to everyone. It has a variety of exotic and local plants alike, and the history behind the glorious scientific uses of each.

The Delivery/Storage House is where materials are picked up from outside sources and stored away. In addition to outside sources being stored here, DNA, food, clothes, and other useful items are stored here. It is not open to anyone except the middle-paying scientists and the head scientist. The low-paying scientists are not allowed in because of the danger, and the high paying scientists have better things to do. In addition, the trucks that transport items around the grounds are parked in the indoor tiered parking lot.

The Armory/Weaponry has a forge and a storage area. The forge is very hot and only Fire Pokemon and some scientists are allowed to work there. No hybrids are allowed in here because the weapons for them are stored here. After weapons and armor are fashioned, they go in the underground storage area. The storage area is regulated by a few of the High-Paying scientists to make sure that no defect weapons go in and no good ones come out unless they are authorized by the head scientist.

The Main Building is the building where some of the scientists and the hybrids live. There are fourteen floors, including a basement. Each floor was designed for a purpose, and most of the floors have a specific Pokemon Type aligned with them. The floor plan goes as thus:

The Basement is an extensive underground area. So extensive, that there are “wings”. The East Wing is for the scientists only. It includes the electronic controls room and the “breeding room”. The breeding room receives the DNA and injects it to make a hybrid. There are several stages of the growth, and each must be documented carefully to prevent future mistakes and record great successes. Therefore, there are several rooms, one for each stage. The hybrids that die are either buried by a scientist that wants to claim them, or they are burned in the incinerator. The electronic controls room holds the controls for the entire building. It is extremely complicated. The West Wing has a game room, a swimming pool, a training room for each type of Pokemon, and the gym. Some of the features of the game room include an obstacle course, a paintball area, an arcade with safe games, and a rock climbing wall, to name a few. In between the two wings is a resting area where a nurse can be called over the intercom in case of an injury. Behind that room is the blueprint making room.

The Ground Floor is as extensive as the Basement, but it is not divided into wings. It includes the main lobby, the library, the cafeteria, the washing area, and the infirmary. The infirmary is the main medical office where surgeries are performed and ill Pokemon are tended. It used to be a swimming pool until one was built in the basement. The main lobby is where the RCs (Room Counselors, although they really are in charge of the floors) send in the attendance form every morning. The secretary is a Flareon Hybrid named Meridith. She is a little nasty, so a good portion of the hybrids try to avoid her. The library is run by some of the high paying and middle paying scientists. It used to be a gift shop until the idea that “real” parents would provide “education” for their “children.” The books deemed safe by the head scientist are stored here and are available for any of the scientists or hybrids to check out. The storage room in the back, however, contains the “evil” books. No hybrid whatsoever is allowed in there. The cafeteria has a kitchen and a dining room. The kitchen receives the food from the greenhouse or the storage house, and chemicals from the storage house or the chemical plant. Chemicals are injected into the food (for various reasons) and the food is cooked and prepared here. The dining area has a café, where the food can be chosen by the hybrids, and an eating area. The eating area is quite large because of the types that dine there. Dishes are washed in the washing area, which is next to the kitchen.

The Second Floor is where all of the scientists, regardless of payment, live. Their rooms are like former hotel Suites, and therefore are more luxurious and fancier than the rooms the hybrids live in, although it is rumored that the head scientist’s room is even more luxurious than that of the high paying scientists. No hybrids are allowed on this floor, so the low paying scientists must do all of the menial work.

The Third Floor is the grass hybrids’ living area. The rooms are linked to the water supply so that the humidity level can be anywhere from the desert-like dryness of the cacturne’s habitat or the humid atmosphere of the victreebel. The sunlight preference can also be controlled by the hybrids. The mini-greenhouse (which used to be a bathroom) on this floor is used by the hybrids that wish to grow plants of their own, although no staple crop grown there is allowed in the kitchens. There is an emergency weed killer every ten rooms in case of overgrown plants. The floor is very, very strong because of the occasional desire to plant roots into the floor, which can become quite strong if not inhibited.

The Fourth Floor is the water hybrid’s dwelling. There is two unofficial “halves” of the floor. One half is where the “tankers”, or the hybrids that prefer to sleep in tanks, spend their time. The other half, the “bedders”, or the hybrids that prefer to sleep in beds, whether the beds are water or otherwise, hang around. There is a small pool located on this floor, and everything is waterproof. There is a separate drain system for this floor than the rest of the building because of the complaints by the janitors of the slippery floors.
The Fifth Floor is the psychic hybrids’ home. There is a meditation area in the commons, and many of the complicated games can be found here. Chess is played regularly by the hybrids on this floor. There is also a weight room for those that wish to test the strength of their psychic powers. The teleportation waves are interrupted if one wishes to teleport from the fifth floor to another floor, but the fifth floor can be teleported to from anywhere. There are invisible territory markings all over this floor, determining where a hybrid might land when he or she teleports to the fifth floor.

The Sixth Floor is the fire hybrid floor. The entire floor is fireproof, and the heat can be turned up as high as 18,000 F because of the preferences of the hybrids. Very few metal things are found on this floor, and few but the fire hybrids come up there because of the sweltering heat. There is a separate fire alarm system for this floor for that purpose. There are a few lava pools and coal piles located on this floor, and it is known that the head scientist never comes onto that floor.

The Seventh Floor is the ghost and dark hybrids’ cavern. The seventh floor has almost no windows, and the entire floor, including the doors, are made of brick so that the ghost hybrids can not move about so freely. The floor has a wide variety of terrain because of the variety of preferences by the dark type hybrids. There are metal detectors all over the place because the Dark Hybrids are known to use THEIF on other hybrids and dash to the seventh floor. Artificial moonlight is available via request. Most of the year, the floor is quite safe, but on full moons and during most of October, extra security is provided. On Halloween, all ghost hybrids are not allowed off of the floor all day, and no hybrid or scientist is allowed on it all day either.

The Eighth Floor is the fighting hybrids’ shelter. The entire floor is reinforced and most things are thick so that they can not be broken. In addition to the training areas in the basement, there is one on this floor. There is a ringer for the nurse because of the serious injuries taken by the frequent fights between the hybrids. The “hierarchy” on this floor is survival of the fittest, and is quite dangerous around mealtime. Because of this, there are timed sessions where the psychic hybrids come to meditate with the fighting ones, because the art of meditation is also essential in the martial arts.

The Ninth Floor is the ice hybrids’ living quarters. The floor, like the fourth, is waterproof. The temperature is quite cold, and the hybrids may turn down the temperature to about -328 F. There is an ice rink on this floor and most of the floor is similar to a legendary ice castle. The floor is covered with a layer of ice, and the visitors have to wear a thick fur coat, gloves, a face mask, a scarf, three layers of winter clothing, and either snowshoes, boots with spikes in the soles, or ice skates.

The Tenth Floor is the rock/ground hybrids’ cave. Like the eighth floor, the entire floor is reinforced; but rather than for protection, it is so that the building will not collapse under the weight. On this floor, there is very little water. There are also almost no plants. The areas on the floor include a desert like realm, a section similar to the side of a mountain, cave-like quarters, and an area packed with ground from the ceiling to the floor, laced with tunnels. There are very few windows, and the lighting is dim. For this reason, some of the Zubat and other cave-loving hybrids dwell here in an area separate from the rock/ground types. Other heavy types also live on this floor to save reinforcement expenses on their respective floors. In the rooms resembling the side of a mountain, there are miniature rock walls.

The Eleventh Floor is a flying hybrid’s dream. The ceilings are very high, and the air pressure can be controlled by their whims. Air drafts and currents run throughout the floor. Like the seventh, the “terrain” varies by the habitat of the fliers. Instead of beds, the hybrids make their own nests to suit their liking. Like the eighth floor, there is a ringer for the nurse; there are sometimes territorial fights between the hybrids. There is a choir room where the hybrids can sing their territorial and challenge songs as to not disturb the other hybrids that roost on that floor.

The Twelfth Floor is the normal hybrid’s area. It has more of a variation of terrain than all the other floors combined, and is extremely interesting because of that. The only area that the all of the normal hybrids seem to like is the commons. There is a lot of gossip that goes around on this floor, particularly because of the Ditto hybrids. Because many of the hybrids on this floor like dancing, there is an aerobics room located on this floor.

The Thirteenth Floor is the electric hybrids’ space. Nothing here can conduct electricity, and nothing that can is allowed onto this floor. The walls are soundproof and reinforced so that explosions do not cause it to collapse. There are several lightning rods and electricity collectors. Because some of the hybrids can produce up to 100,000 volts, and most of the hybrids either eat electricity or need it to survive, there is a separate electricity plan for this floor that is powered by the hybrids. Because of frequent blackouts, there are many windows on this floor. There is also a music room on this floor for no apparent reason, but the hybrids seem to enjoy it.

The Fourteenth Floor is the poison hybrids’ territory. Visitors and non-poison types are required to wear gas masks because of the many deadly powders, fumes, and liquids the hybrids give off. Even with frequent cleaning, this floor remains immensely filthy. The entire floor is made of materials that will not melt even to the strongest of acids. Rather than come down to the cafeteria, food is brought up to these hybrids because most of the hybrids are too dangerous to mix with others. There is a separate ventilation system for this floor so that even with all the toxic substances, the air does not leak onto other floors.

P.S.: the old cafe: still there! http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=119036

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
i assume the RPG is going to start soon then...
question: do the dual type hybrids get 2 rooms on their respected floors?


Internet Overlord
Yeah, that's a good question, being a zubat hybrid, I've got posion and flying, but neither sounds like a place he'd want to hang out, being unable to fly and only beeing posion type because of zubat's fangs.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
Yeah, that's a good question, being a zubat hybrid, I've got posion and flying, but neither sounds like a place he'd want to hang out, being unable to fly and only beeing posion type because of zubat's fangs.

um...i think in the text charmed wrote, bat hybrids will be in their own section on the rock floor in caves...

Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
They get to choose which floor they're on if they're two types. Since your charri can't fly... either put him in poison or in the rock caves.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
yeah...i think for my character, i'll have the 4th floor...but go up to the 13th floor alot...
oh, i've also go a lil' plot idea, can there be a water pipe connecting all the water hybrids ( and maybe grass or even the rest of the buildings...)rooms together?
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I have a qestion where are you restarting? Where you left off on the last version or are you just going to start again?

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
i think she's restarting again...


diamond master
I guess i'm in the 12th floor since he closest to normal type...besides he'll probably be guarding so much he wont have time to get much sleep either guarding or training.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
I guess i'm in the 12th floor since he closest to normal type...besides he'll probably be guarding so much he wont have time to get much sleep either guarding or training.



diamond master
Then where do you suggest he stays fire??
And of all the floors i think hes closest to that of to stay
Hmmmmmm fire maybe

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
Then where do you suggest he stays fire??
And of all the floors i think hes closest to that of to stay

i think your character should live on the 10th floor because Diaruga is part steel and thats quite heaby and the 10th floor is reinforced...

that what i think too but I just want to make sure, oh and my charaters on the 12th floor

arn't you a ditto hybrid? then i suppose you could stay on any floor...just transform and you're off...

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Now even though I haven't been accepted yet, Were will I live if I'm Salamence the flying floor?


i think your character should live on the 10th floor because Diaruga is part steel and thats quite heaby and the 10th floor is reinforced...

arn't you a ditto hybrid? then i suppose you could stay on any floor...just transform and you're off...

lol good point (i was orignally going to be a porygon hybird, but dittos ablities appealed to me)

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
Now even though I haven't been accepted yet, Were will I live if I'm Salamence the flying floor?

well, i suppose you could choose...you could live on the tenth floor in a cave like Dragons in fariy tales or on the eleventh so that you can room to fly...

lol good point (i was orignally going to be a porygon hybird, but dittos ablities appealed to me)

hey! how about your character could be my best friend and you could imitate me and stay in my room...
and you can have a best friend on every floor and stay with them every so often on your way to gathering gossip...
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well, i suppose you could choose...you could live on the tenth floor in a cave like Dragons in fariy tales or on the eleventh so that you can room to fly...

hey! how about your character could be my best friend and you could imitate me and stay in my room...
and you can have a best friend on every floor and stay with them every so often on your way to gathering gossip...

or he could go on the fire floor as he is a dragon and sure metagross it sounds like a good idea