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Hyperboy club

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Confusion is bliss
Welcome to the first Hyperboy fanclub of SPP!

It is here where you may join and discuss the various aspects of the Hyperboy comics, characters, and flash animations, all craeted by the incredible Gene Goldstein, and all of which can be found here. I suggest that you read the comics first, as it will lead to better understanding of the animations.

1. all general SPP rules apply, and can be found here.
2. Please use the form...ZOMFG there is none. just post your favorite character (villain or otherwise) from the series and ask to join.
3. Watch for spoilers as there will no doubt be a heap of them. To all members posting content which may be considered spoilers, please use the spoiler tags. They can be used by typing the following: (SPOIL) text you want to hide (/SPOIL), except with brackets instead of paranthesis. They look like this:
[SPOIL] This is a spoiler [/SPOIL]
Or just hit the spoiler tag button if you are posting a full reply.
4. There will be 2 upper ranks, similar to mods, available after the club is under way. If you wish to occupy one, simply mention it in your post. Its first come, first serve, so please dont whine if you do not arrive in time.
5. While I thrive on rumours about further Hyperboy episodes, posting ridiculous theories will not be tolerated, so please attempt to back up all such accounts.
6. Please remain on topic and do not stray out of Hyperboy related talk.
7. Enjoy yourself! This club is based on an entertainment series, so for petes sake, refrain from flaming, spamming, trolling, etc.

Admin Powers:
The Hypersuit(occupied by shirika2436)
Hypermecha(occupied by Charilizard)



Ban rules
1 rule busted: 1 day ban
2 rules busted: 3 day ban
3 rules busted: 5 day ban
4 rules busted: 7 day ban
5 rules busted: permanent ban
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Yo, can i be co-owner? hyperboy rocks!


Confusion is bliss
use da form! u am Hypermecha anyways, but use da form! check da rules!
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We need more members...
Check first post for a link to hyper boy site anyone wondering what the heck is hyperboy.
Sorry, My form is here now
Fav. character: Steve
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Confusion is bliss
Charilizard, please use da form, check da first post.
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We'll be closed at this rate...
New topic: What's your favorite Hyperboy joke/pun/line/scene?
Episode 3
Gene wakes up up and sees two big, round, yellow eyes.
Gene: Aaauuugh!-oh, *smiles* it's just the hypersuit.
*Screen moves up, showing aguy in a red suit on the ceiling*
Gene: Aaauuuughh!-oh, *smiles* it's just spiderman. Wait... what're you doing in my room? Are you stalking me?!?
Spider-man: Ummm... no.*sprays web in gene's eyes and jumps out the window*
Gene:OH GOD IT BURNS! Dammit spider-man! I'm callin' the cops!
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Confusion is bliss
run topics by me first. we should probably focus on things that people who dont know much about hyperboy. lets just try to attract some members.

probably any and all jazz-offs:
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