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hi I´m muerto from mexico, my english isn´t very good so sorry, i havn´t read a lot in these forum bun i havn´t read about the shark, i don´t know if you use it but i do so i wanna know how will we shark in diamond and pearl , bye
uh...not everyone here uses a shark. In fact, hardly any use it. Therefore, don't be too quick to critize,as you're wrong in this situation. I believe sharking is fine, anyway, and discussion of the gameshark isn't allowed here, either.
Hello Welcome to Serebii and I hope you have a good time here
I think useing a gameshark is wrong and plus it screws up your game so I see no need in useing them unless you can't get the rare pokemon from the other games.
Welcome! I hope you have fun here. Most people on this site hate people who cheat, but I don't really care. Pm me if you have questions or if just want to be friends.
Welcome! I hope you have fun here. Most people on this site hate people who cheat, but I don't really care. Pm me if you have questions or if just want to be friends.
Hello and welcome to SPPf. Most members here are against sharking but I don't have a problem with it; it's just a way to kill the time. If you need any more help, feel free to PM me.
ok but..... for example how do i get a lot of tms if i need them and there s only one in the game and i think it´s very hard to get a poke whit 31 evs in everything without it or not?
Gamesharking is bad..getting a non-legit poke is even well..you know what I mean. I don't cheat a lot..only use it when i'm at a certain spot and can't try again any more..but that is just me.
Hi. I am the local fish and Zora of these forums. I heard that a new king is going to make my home in twilight in two days. [/metaphoricalness]
Hi. I am Zora. I heard that I will be wanting to play TP soon and will not be paying any attention too these forums.
HI. And sharking isn't allowed nor can it be evident unless you used it to get a rare Pokemon (IE Doexys/Mew/Celebi) that needs an event. Even then you must ask like you got in normally.