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I am (poem)

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
I am

By : Hyper Chibi Absol

I am a lonely, teenage girl.
I wonder if I'll find someone to love and care about.
I hear a lonely heart beat in a dark abyss.
I see myself alone kneeling in the dark.
I am a lonely, teenage girl.

I pretend to find someone who cares abut me.
I feel happy and care free now.
I worry and fear he may flee for another woman.
I cry when he runs away from me.
I am a lonely, teenage girl.

I understand I shouldn't cry for him and I most move on.
I say in my heart I will not die alone.
I dream that one day I will find my true love.
I try to find the right one.
I hope he will love children as much as me.
I am alonely, teenage girl.

Note: I got an A+ on this in art class

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
Speshul Ed said:
i'm sorry you're lonely...

Thanks! ^^

It's OK... I'll find a guy. <:3

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
That's pretty good, HCA. -^^-

Hopefully you'll find someone special soon. It seems that way for me too...;~;

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
Great poem! ^_^
That's pretty good, HCA. -^^-

Thanks! ^^

I kinda understand you... that's how I feel at times. So silent, so lonely... standing in the darkness...

Finally some one does..... Most people here say I'm an emo whenever I post poems like this.... ;_;

Hopefully you'll find someone special soon.

Yeah. I hope so too.
wow great poem! I feel like that a lot sometimes....*sobs*
Gary's Raichu said:
wow great poem! I feel like that a lot sometimes....*sobs*

Yeah... especially when I get in trouble, and when my mom yells at me. Or, when I had a bad day at school... I kinda end up crying when I come home... all alone in my room...

Speshul Ed

i know how you feel (xcept im a guy)
i dont know how im ever going to find someone who actually cares about me...
and i dont tell anyone about how i really feel...
Speshul Ed said:
i know how you feel (xcept im a guy)
i dont know how im ever going to find someone who actually cares about me...
and i dont tell anyone about how i really feel...

That's what I kinda do too...