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I am starting a fresh game on emerald wat starter should I choose?

top 8 guy

Like I said I need a new starter and I don't no which 1 to pick, any advice which to choose and any pokemon I should catch later in the game?


Toon link
ahaahahaha yeh you should really get mudkip because it's not affected with electric attacks and it's earthquake is useful an yeh...cos it's blue lol


I am the game
Trecco or mudkip are my favs dont like blaziken much.


fuk yo couch ***** !
id say mudkip. he can be a bit of a force to be reckoned with in-game, plus its good to have a water type thats actually resistant AND strong against electric types due to it's half-ground type :) plus it can really pwn half the gyms on the game.
I would pick Torchic, but Mudkip for the easiest play through the game

Blazin' Blaziken

Well-Known Member
If you'd like a challenge, choose Torchic.
If you'd like the game easy, choose Treeko.
If you'd like a normal game, choose Mudkip.
I chose Mudkip, and it was a very good choice!


Move Puppet inc.
Torchic and his respective evolutions help you alot in gyms and the Elite 4


treecko or mudkip they can both help you out and for the rest of your team i suggest catching a tailow and a shroomish.