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I ask for immunity.


This seemed as good a place as any to ask...

Regarding the 2nd gen forums, especially 2nd Gen Discussion and G/S/C...

They're modless. I know that Zephyr Flare pops in and helps (and presumably receives any reports, as vBulletin usually informs smods or admins when reports are made in modless forums), and that's nice, but I'd hope for a moderator there, whose name is at the bottom, etc.

Altmer apparently got demodded for inactivity, though I hear he'll be remodded due to some problems during the hacking. But having only an inactive mod won't help, obviously.

But that's not really the main question. My important query is this:

You know that rule about cheat devices? I'll quote it below.
This community is one that prefers to do everything as honestly as possible. Therefore the discussion of cheating devices such as Gameshark, Pro Action Replay, and Code Breaker is not allowed. There are various websites that offer codes if you need them, so do not ask for codes here. In fact, there is a page regarding places to get codes for Ruby/Sapphire.

There's also a liability issue we don't want to have, as usage of such devices may invoke damage to the game cartridge or game file. Besides that, if you ask anyway, you're going to get unfavorable responses.
I would ask that this rule not apply to the G/S/C forums. One of the most important threads in the G/S/C forums is the Beta Programming thread. This is where we discuss stuff that can be found only in the programming -- and thus, only unlockable in a game cartridge via GameShark or a similar device. There are such things as visiting the Safari Zone in Gold and Silver, catching Celebi by using the GS Ball, and visiting the "Pokemon Communications Center" in Goldenrod City. Many of these finds are important, or at the least interesting (who knew that Sweet Honey was originally a G/S/C concept and not a Diamond and Pearl one?).

We haven't had any problems with the administration before on this, but I'd like a feeling of security...


Bad and Nationwide
I recall that thread was given specific immunity back when, GSC could use an actual mod for these questions though.


Well, i've been looking for this.

And it looks like the forum actually got Altmer and TRJessie...