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I Can Make Fakemon!


Well-Known Member
[ok people i can now make fakmon they take me around half an hour to make and look really good so if want me to make you a fakemon sprite just give me a proper description......wow how easy! :) WE ARE OPEN!
here is an example of a fakemon i made:


Beginning Trainer
I Want It To Be White With Two Wings And A Tiger Kind Of Face A Tail A Feline Body Like Espeon And Big Ears But Not Too Big

CutE PokemOn MastEr

-'cHar's mY BisHiE
Can You Do A SpriTe of My FakEmOn Overhere:


his name his bubblon...

Thanks in advance...

Pm me if you can do it


Where is the rum?...
cool can you make me one ^^.

A slivery/white wolf with angel wings and reg eyes.It's pose is like it is preparing tom attack so it is tensed up.

CutE PokemOn MastEr

-'cHar's mY BisHiE

your the first person ever to do the sprite well :]


Queen of Charizards!
i posted on your other thread before. Check out my fan art thread to find other Pokemon i posted. Oh and thanks for fixing my Compy


Where is the rum?...
wow it's wonderful ^^ now can i have a black one vith devil wings plese

and thanx for cloud dancer (white wolf) ^^;004;


Where is the rum?...
Thanx ^^...now for a real pokemon (i was just testing to see of you could do it ^^ )

Looks:A Wolf with a horn like an ansol,paint on it's tail and what looks like saber tooth tiger teeth
Based On:Abso,Mightyena and smeargle

Nice and hard ^^ please and thanx ;004;