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I can't see proof of EV's!

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Ok. I have been levelling up my Snorlax and it is now on level 82. I trained it by defeating tangelas (defense) and dunsparce (HP). I traded it over to Ruby and the woman at Slateport market gave me the ribbon. So basically, my EV training was finished.

But that was when My Snorlax was lvl45, and I still havn't seen any boosts in his stats after he levels up! When can I see proof of EV training and is there any particular way of getting it quickly?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
First off, please post all EV-related questions in the official sticky/FAQ:


But I'll still answer your question.

You won't see huge leaps of stat boost in your Snorlax forever. Since 4 EVs add 1 stat point you can only get +63 TOTAL in any given stat (255 EVs divided by 4). These extra stat points will be added GRADUALLY, so you'll maybe see a +1 or +2 each time it levels up. At LV 82 with full EVs, it has probably gained the majority of extra stat points already.

The ONLY time you'll see a gigantic jump in a stat with EV-training (i.e., a +63) is if you EV-train a Pokemon at LV 90-99 that hasn't gained any EVs yet.

-Answered, closed
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