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I don't think marowak gets enough credit...

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Well-Known Member
He's easily the coolest. Much better than munchlax, sandslash, metagross, loudred, charizard AND muk.

Especially munchlax.

I'm glad that cubone was a starter on MD though, that was good.

However, no one gives marowak enough credit.




;105; ;105; ;105;

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Much better than munchlax, sandslash, metagross, loudred, charizard AND muk.
You forgotten to mention that he is all this in your opinion!

I'm a fan of Muk, and i prefer it before marowak.

Besides, i'm not sure, but this COULD be classified as spam.


lol at you
i dont like marowak... it gets too much credit... muchlax is better... blah blah blah.. marowak sucks... lets not discuss


Pitch Black Soul
its one of the most powerful starters on dungeon, but as a die hard charizard fan....I disagree


I'm a fan of Muk, and i prefer it before marowak.

You say that with a Marowak avatar?

I agree. But then again, Marowak isn't the only pokémon who doesn't get the credit it rightfully deserves.
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