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I don't think munchlax gets enough credit......

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I love munchlax! he rocks... but he has been over shadowed by thoughs legendaries i just think he should get a little more credit... And i though i should give him some credit... Anyone agree with me?

Yami ookami

Well-Known Member
I guess... Guess it's true because I don't hear about him much.;munchlax;

Yami ookami

Well-Known Member
You know, that could be considered spam, and you double posted... Stop that.


I love munchlax to!You cant not love his tub o lard evolution!I allways love the fat pokemon lol!


Power of the mind
Munchlax is okay, for a baby pokemon it has okay defense but not really that cute like other baby pokemon. {But was it designed to be cute, no}.

Munchlax did have a appearence in 2 pokemon movies {Forget if he's in Movie 9} and was the first known D/P pokemon so ain't that enough credit for one baby pokemon?


What 'bout My Star?
I guess Muchlax is cool but not as cool as some of the other Shinou pokemon (like Bonsly, Mime Jr etc.)

Yami ookami

Well-Known Member
I like him on the show. He eats every thing!


Wow munchlax not cute...., he looks cute. And if you seen any of the movies the way he acts is the cutest thing ever!!! so i just think your wrong about everything you death, expect for the defense thing..


Mime jr is werid...... if its a boy it acts like girl if its a girl its acts the same.., If munchlax is the #1 baby poke..

Horn Drill

Munchlax is the pre-evolved form of the greatest OU Pokemon ever: Snorlax. I love all the new babies. 8)


Natsu no Maboroshi
It's just a preevolution, so that means is not very important unless you use Kabigon a lot, IMO


Cascade Trainer
i love munchlax and snorlax because they have a different personality than all the other pokemon. they have a lazy personality and i give them credit for that.
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