Head Admin
Okay glicth first.If you jump up to hoi a block that is breakable as Mario(not super)it will move and a sound will que.Body slam at the right time before hitting it and it will move but no sound.
Okay unlimtied Mario trick
I think the level is 4-5 it is the underground one with a lot of bombombs.
Near the begining of the level there is a wall of unbreakable blocks with a pipe of bombombs nearby.Destroy enough of the wall to get through.Bodyslam the breakable blocks layered on the floor.Continue to destroy them all until you hit one that turns solid.Jump on the nearby Koopa and launch shell backtowards unbreakable wall.If done correctly the bombombs will continue to fall and the koopa shell will bounce back and forth as youre points increase until it begins to give you one ups.Wait for the timer to run out.
Hope it helps as it is a lot easier then the actual unlimited Mario glitch.
Found by me,don't steal(possibly in np,cheking now)
Okay unlimtied Mario trick
I think the level is 4-5 it is the underground one with a lot of bombombs.
Near the begining of the level there is a wall of unbreakable blocks with a pipe of bombombs nearby.Destroy enough of the wall to get through.Bodyslam the breakable blocks layered on the floor.Continue to destroy them all until you hit one that turns solid.Jump on the nearby Koopa and launch shell backtowards unbreakable wall.If done correctly the bombombs will continue to fall and the koopa shell will bounce back and forth as youre points increase until it begins to give you one ups.Wait for the timer to run out.
Hope it helps as it is a lot easier then the actual unlimited Mario glitch.
Found by me,don't steal(possibly in np,cheking now)
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