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xXZ380 D43M0NXx

Pokemon Champion
Alright, so a bit ago, I listened to the RSE/ORAS intro, cause I enjoy listening to Pokemon music in my free time or while working. Anywho, towards the end of the piece, I though I heard a bit that sounded very familiar...

SO, I checked Ultra Necrozma's theme, only to confirm my suspicions. They sounded very similar. At this time, I thought nothing of it. Just a cool l'il coincedence...

Until today, that is, when I found myself listening to the ending theme of, you guessed, RSE/ORAS, specifically ORAS. Once again, more towards the end of the song (after the town themes), I head a bit that caught my attention. I swore to myself it sounded like Gladion's theme.

After checking his theme, I had decided they had also sounded quite similar. So I wonder if it could really be just coincedence...

Probably. But, hey. Who knows? Maybe you guys could do me a favor and analyze some of the pieces from Gen III and Gen VII? Tell me if you come up with anything interesting?


Master of Chaos!
Fact, the music you here when you battle Lusamine has similar music tones to the common battle theme you hear in Pokemon Colosseum!

I thought I add that.


Canada Connoisseur
Some Gen 7 songs do have a Gen 3-ish vibe to them, especially around Routes 7 and 8. Maybe some of the composers who worked on Gen 3 also worked on Gen 7's music?

xXZ380 D43M0NXx

Pokemon Champion
Fact, the music you here when you battle Lusamine has similar music tones to the common battle theme you hear in Pokemon Colosseum!

I thought I add that.

Interesting, I'll be sure to check it out!


Staff member
Super Mod
They remixed a lot of music from previous soundtracks into 7th gen. I believe almost all of the battle themes sample a previous gen at some point. While the music staff at Game Freak has changed over the years, it's really only been additions. Go Ichinose is the only one who has disappeared entirely, Masuda doesn't do much soundtrack work now that he's Game Director but he still handles a lot of battle themes.


Canada Connoisseur
Fact, the music you here when you battle Lusamine has similar music tones to the common battle theme you hear in Pokemon Colosseum!

I thought I add that.

Oh wow, I never noticed that! I'll try to listen to both the Lusamine battle theme and Colosseum battle theme at some time, and try to find the similarities. :D


Kirby Fan
I have a few similarities to share.
There's a part of Lunala/Solgaleo's battle music that sounds like Deoxys's battle music.
There's a part of Gladion's battle music that sounds like Run Away from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue/Red Rescue Team.
This one isn't Gen 7, but Route 23 in Black 2/White 2 has a part that sounds very much like Professor Rowan's theme.


Canada Connoisseur
There's a part of Gladion's battle music that sounds like Run Away from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue/Red Rescue Team.

I've also heard someone say that Gladion's battle theme sounds like some music from Platinum (I can't remember exactly what it was, but I think it was the battle with Flint and Volkner).

Also, Alola Route 7 sounds VERY Hoenn-ish. It might be the trumpets, but it kind of reminds me of the Cycling Road music. They have a similar chord progression.