Well I bet you're wondering why that happened? Well, 2 days ago, at the club at school, my friend bought a Pokemon Ruby, and I have Pokemon FireRed. I asked her if we can trade and she accepts. She showed me what Pokemon I want. But I ask her first. She checked out my Pokemon in the Boxes, and she picked these:
;211; ;206;
She needed Dunsparce and Qwilfish to fill in her Pokedex. I can't argue with that though. Anyway, I picked the Pokemon I want from her.
;156; ;159;
Croconaw and Quilava are the Pokemon I'm looking for. And boy, I always wanted a Typhlosion and Feraligatr! And I'm looking forward to make Cyndaquil and Totodile Eggs.
I hope she take very good care of my Qwilfish and Dunsparce. She already liked them. :3
;211; ;206;
She needed Dunsparce and Qwilfish to fill in her Pokedex. I can't argue with that though. Anyway, I picked the Pokemon I want from her.
;156; ;159;
Croconaw and Quilava are the Pokemon I'm looking for. And boy, I always wanted a Typhlosion and Feraligatr! And I'm looking forward to make Cyndaquil and Totodile Eggs.
I hope she take very good care of my Qwilfish and Dunsparce. She already liked them. :3