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I got a Wii!!!

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Indigo Champion
I got a Wii last Sunday and I have to say it;s pretty awesomee! It's so much better than the 360 and PS3.


Deoxys rulez all!
Facsinating! I ordered one online a few hours ago, so I'll be getting it soon.

EmberStar the Blaziken

Kung-Pow Chicken
The point of this thread is?

ANyway, I get mine Sunday.
Wow, you have a Wii just like thousands of other people, congradulations.

Me being in Australia, wont be getting one till December 7th (Release date) but our Wii's should be cleared of all the problems that some Wii's faced in America. We also get Wii Play at launch which should be fun.

Oh and EmberStar the Blaziken, Your sig has a major spoiler in it so use a spoiler tag, thankyou for showing me who the mystery person in Zelda is. [/sarcasm]
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The Leviathan
Now? Do you have to go that badly? Ok then, hurry up! :D Lol! Just joking! On a serious note, you don't have to come on here and brag about it. Go play the darn thing!

Wow, you have a Wii just like thousands of other people, congradulations.

Me being in Australia, wont be getting one till December 7th (Release date) but our Wii's should be cleared of all the problems that some Wii's faced in America. We also get Wii Play at launch which should be fun.

Oh and EmberStar the Blaziken, Your sig has a major spoiler in it so use a spoiler tag, thankyou for showing me who the mystery person in Zelda is. [/sarcasm]

Just PM him about it. I'm number 3 on his PO'd list. :D lol!


Seven Evenings
Im getting tomorroe on Zellers, I just heard there stocking 9! ^__^

Super Gullwing

Team Skull Mom
Awesomeness. ^^ I'm probabaly not getting mine till sometime in Januray or Febuary. My brother and I will use our Christmas and birthday money to get it; and his birthday is at the end of January. (Currently, I'm broke. I only have 15 bucks. ^^; )

Me being in Australia, wont be getting one till December 7th (Release date)

Hehehe. ^^


Well-Known Member
I got one too i was #7 in line for the wii on sunday.


Not really here.
I'm sorry, but what is the point of this thread. Their is a Official Wii Thread stickied. =/
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